Advice on clen cycle/getting the most out of it


New member
Hey, first poster here i have done a good bit of searching on clen and taken it before so have experience with it, my diet last time i took it was awful but I'm half way through cutting from a dirty bulk so far I'm down 20lbs with a steady 2lbs a week my diets in check with high protein/med carbs and fats and i count/weigh all my food.

This time I'm wanting to get the most out of my clen cycle and really drop some weight and get lean for first time ever, i have 10 weeks left till i go on holiday and I'm wondering about taking clen in the morning before gym, i know it has a long half life but I go to gym at maybe 6/7am most mornings and do 45mins incline walking before i lift i dont really fancy getting up at 5am to take clen then sit about for 2 hours so do you think i would be fine taking say half an hour before i hit the gym?

Also whats the best diet to follow with clen? unsure if i should drop my carbs to try go keto or not, i usually sit around about 180-200g protein 100-140g carbs and about 50-60g of fat give or take.
Ur tdee is 1900?

yea i eat 1800-1900 and have been dropping a steady 2lbs a week i dont have a lot of mass i was skinny fat last year before i bulked natural so i recon thats why my tdee isn't that high.

do you think clen half an hour before cardio/lifting will be alright? and once i tapper it up maybe half the dose pre then half the dose post till i build it up to take it all in the mornings? or should i just leave it till after the gym before i eat?