advice on cycle please thanks


New member
States: 29 years old today :-(
160lbs bf= 9%

8 week Cycle:
I’ve started taking Winstrol ( running 60mg a day ) 3 weeks so far
continue running till end

end of this week I want to start Test E 500mg/ 250 split every 4 days

then continue another 4 weeks winstrol

pct Nolvadex /Clomid

As people start with the test e then last 4 weeks do winstrol is it advisable to do like this now?

Goals was to get more dry and preserve size hardness

4/5 egg whites , 2 toast cottage cheese

10.30 3 Weetabix 40g protein mix

1pm half rice/salad can of tuna

4pm 2 Weetabix protein shake

dinner vegetables or pasta/rice with some meat

before bed protein shake
training mon-fri

attached pic is 3 weeks on wiinie
Test prop should have been used to solicit a harder look. You should have ran the test along with the Winstrol (winny) as test is the foundation of any good AAS cycle. 8 weeks is good for the Winstrol (winny) not the test. 10 weeks of prop is good. Or test suspension, that shit is magic but it pins painfully.
No it's never pointless. Just don't forget next time so you will get the desired results bud. You will be fine. Run the enth till th bottle is gone. Should be 10 weeks. If not get some more. Enth and cyp need to be ran between 10-12 weeks for best results. Always post your cycle and let the vets critique and fine tune it for you. That is the best way to go. Free advice is priceless in this game bro. PM me if you have any questions bro!