Advice on next blast


New member
Hey everyone, was looking for advice on next blast cycle. Any help would be greatly appreciated.

Stats: 36, 5'9 230 lbs, 16%
Diet: clean, dropping bf slowly.
Training: on point.

Experience: Currently on testosterone replacement therapy (TRT) at 200mg of test cyp a week. Just finished my first blast of 500 mg of test E a week for 12 weeks. Great results, put on about 15 lbs and strength way up. Heading back to testosterone replacement therapy (TRT) levels. 4 cycles prior in my college days. Ran Sustanon (sust), deca, tren and winny.

Was thinking going back to 200mg Test for 12 weeks then running next blast of 500mg Test E and 600mg EQ for 18 weeks. AI's on hand if needed.

Is 12 weeks too short between blasts? Anything you would change to the dosage of test or EQ. Looking for a nice, slow lean bulk. Any suggestions welcome? Add a oral kicker or finisher? Thanks in advance for the help.
Typical wait for average individual is cycle + post cycle therapy (pct) = time off but it's probably different for testosterone replacement therapy (TRT) patient...
But as for.your kicker I know some on here kick start with Dbol for 4 weeks then throw it in the last four weeks as well...but not sure what.oral would with EQ
And on EQ monitor blood pressure closely and some might recommend donating blood part way through cycle.
12wks between should be fine as long as bloodwork is all good. The cycle layout you have sounds good for your goals. Make sure you watch those RBC's on EQ and give blood. I plan on running EQ myself in the fall.
Maybe twice during that cycle of 18 weeks

But every six weeks probably wouldn't hurt...
Stick around for more answers
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If you're on testosterone replacement therapy (TRT), you should be giving blood every 56 days. You will ALWAYS need to do this as your body is now a blood cell making machine put into overdrive. I also participate in apheresis, which helps actually reduce your blood cell count as hematocrit is just part of the picture here. Twelve weeks crusing is fine, I often find myself pushing that time much shorter - but I also get blood tests very often to make sure I'm looking good "under the hood" as we don't always feel when things aren't 100%.

My .02c :)