Advice on Ostarine cycle.


New member
Hey i am new here and new to this whole thing. I have done some Stano in the past , but i was like 18 lol crazy guy i know, been natty since then and Now i am 27 and did a lot of search on the whole subject of Sarms. I found out that i wanna run Ostarine cuz i wanna recomp and i think ( from what i`ve read, and i`ve read for about a month now) its gonna do the trick without major side effects.

Stats: 5'10' 208lb 22-25%bf

Question: I was looking into osta shred by hard rock as a stand alone, would do it 8 weeks cuz thats what the bottle lasts. What you guys think, please be honest lol. for PCT i was thinking in a OTC for 4 weeks or a serm ( tamoxifen) . like i said i am new to this so please advise me properly

thanks in advance.
Stay away from store bought sarms. It could be anything in that bottle. Sarms still aren't available for human consumption (technically) so any sarms sold for that purpose are likely to be a knock off.

For your experimentation and research, you want the best product for your animal subjects. I recommend SARMSSEARCH. They're having a sale right now....the code is in my signature.

PCT should ALWAYS be a serm. Never OTC supplements.
Stay away from store bought sarms. It could be anything in that bottle. Sarms still aren't available for human consumption (technically) so any sarms sold for that purpose are likely to be a knock off.

For your experimentation and research, you want the best product for your animal subjects. I recommend SARMSSEARCH. They're having a sale right now....the code is in my signature.

PCT should ALWAYS be a serm. Never OTC supplements.

thanks for answering me man. and how should my PCT look like ? and would tamoxifen sufice? at what dose?