Advice please


New member
This is probably going to be a disaster because I'm trying to typ all of this with my phone so forgive my spelling

Alright, I've played sports all my life. Stayedd in shape but recently got married and started noticing a bit of a gut. I'm a really big guy, and since sports aren't a major roll in my life anymore I'm starting to show my age is trying to catch up with me. I use to be able to crash diet which I know isn't healthy but it use to work. Id like to be in a little bit better shape by June for my 28th birthday. I'm 6'8, I weigh right at 250. I started cardio last week, but this time is like some help. I wanna get a little bit bigger but mainly just tone up. I've taken steroids in college but just a cycle. It worked but that was 10 years ago. Any suggestions I'd like to buy something to help out after I get my body use to being pushed again.

As far as my diet goes, I've also started eating 5 small meals a day
I'd resurch ur macros and eat properly. This helped/ helping me lose some body fat. I use to always be anti diet and just worked out. But as soon as I started dieting I started seeing better results plus I feel better and recover faster bc I'm giving my body what it needs.
You don't need to go to AAS when its just that simple of losing weight. Just eat properly, and keep the cardio up mate. You still have a few months away.
I'd resurch ur macros and eat properly. This helped/ helping me lose some body fat. I use to always be anti diet and just worked out. But as soon as I started dieting I started seeing better results plus I feel better and recover faster bc I'm giving my body what it needs.

Man, I can't believe how many years I spent not paying attention to my diet and just thinking my workouts would work magic.
A proper diet and exercise routine will help you look and feel better, no need of AAS. Happy birthday btw :)
"I've played sports all my life. Stayedd in shape but recently got married and started noticing a bit of a gut. I'm a really big guy, and since sports aren't a major roll in my life anymore"

soo when you played sports you werent lazy and now that your married you ARE lazy? simple fix... start playing sports again! Hitting the weights is a sport as well... seems like you want aas to continue to be lazy and thats not how things work.

constructive criticism FTW
Just a bit more advice to imput.

I've always been a firm believer of IIFYM, If It Fits Your Macros, but I've never gone overboard. But I've defiantly experience different ways of eating. For instance I honestly can see a major difference in diet/training when I did my contest prep for a show. For my contest prep, the final two weeks I ate pretty damn clean. Try for two weeks on eating strictly clean foods and then 2 weeks of IIFYM and see the difference. Now the whole IIFYM, just dont go overboard. When I do IIFYM my only non clean food is my post workout meal which is usually a few servings of sugary cereal. So yes it is fitting my macros, but im not going overboard on the situation by eating every junk food insight as long as it fits my daily macros.