advice with acne very confused


New member
male 26 170lbs. 4th cycle.

4 months off of a 16 week cycle that looked like this:
100mg prop eod
50mg Anavar (var) ed
500mg deca/wk

20mg nolva ed for 8 weeks.

my problem started almost the day I stopped with the prop...within three weeks my skin was absolutely out of control and i actually showed a derm a picture of myself 3 weeks prior and he said he had never seen anything like but that i should be fine after my hormone levels were restored to normal. he wouldn't perscribe accutane because i had no prior problems with my skin before and expected it to clear up (he actually downloaded the picture i brought in and took his own just to show his colleagues) hasn't and its only very slowly improving but still very bad (cysts on back and chest nothing on face and derm only gave monocycline that didn't help at all) I seriously mean it when I say this was my 4th cycle and I never had so much as a whitehead before and all of a sudden this happens...I'm not claiming to be an expert but consider myself an intelligent person and have broken everything down in my head so many times i just can't figure it out!! Any advice would be greatly appreciated or similar experiences...
It really doesn`t matter how wisely you cycle,acne is always a possibility.
I was somewhat similar to you.First few cycles no problem.After that I would break out pretty bad just a few days into and after a cycle.
From what I have observed from people I know,the first breakout usually occurs after the cycle when they start an ancillary aid such as nolvadex or clomid.
My advice would be to set your priorities.Would you rather be a mass monster with bad acne or an average guy with a nice physique who is not ashamed to take his shirt off in public?I chose the latter.
It took me a year or so for my skin to clear up.Give it time.
ipclark1 said:
male 26 170lbs. 4th cycle.

4 months off of a 16 week cycle that looked like this:
100mg prop eod
50mg Anavar (var) ed
500mg deca/wk

20mg nolva ed for 8 weeks.

my problem started almost the day I stopped with the prop...within three weeks my skin was absolutely out of control and i actually showed a derm a picture of myself 3 weeks prior and he said he had never seen anything like but that i should be fine after my hormone levels were restored to normal. he wouldn't perscribe accutane because i had no prior problems with my skin before and expected it to clear up (he actually downloaded the picture i brought in and took his own just to show his colleagues) hasn't and its only very slowly improving but still very bad (cysts on back and chest nothing on face and derm only gave monocycline that didn't help at all) I seriously mean it when I say this was my 4th cycle and I never had so much as a whitehead before and all of a sudden this happens...I'm not claiming to be an expert but consider myself an intelligent person and have broken everything down in my head so many times i just can't figure it out!! Any advice would be greatly appreciated or similar experiences...

I had a similar experience 2 cycles ago when I didnt run HCG during and ended up having a terrible time with recovery. You didnt happen to use any HCG during cycle did you? This whole thing might come down to your recovery. My doc put me on dooxycycline, the cheap version somewhat of minocycline. I took me awhile to clear up but I was thankful I went.

Following that visit times after that my derm would give me minocin which worked awesome. I later read an article about how the minocin is superior over doxy/monocycline because it can pentrate the thicker skinned areas (ie back/shoulder/chest areas) fully to be effective whereas the others fall short and are blocked from acting on the acne itself.

I just recently started a low dose run of accutane and I have to say thus far (about 5 days) the shit load of acne I have on my upperback is eroding away, never seen these kind of results before. You may want to bring up a possible low dose run under your doc's watch. I imagine if you push hard enough he'll be inclined to help, accutane is kind of the end all solution. Lastly don't take the tane + any of the minocin/doxy etc... because it'll increase brain swelling.
A very good choice for moderate to severe acne is a drug called TAZORAC, it is a selector receptive retnoid ! Meanning it only attachs the receptors that are causing acne. It is first line choice in many Dr's offices. If not ask for it.
I never had acne, but after this last cycle I started to break out when I started my post cycle therapy (pct) of Nolva/Clomid.
thanks i said i was more confused than anything and really was looking to hear from anyone that had their first experience with acne in their mid twenties like sucks and i really need to decide what to do because i usually start cycles in january and at this rate i doubt i'll be clear...i don't know if i mentioned this before but i've used all the chemicals in this last cycle before with no problems which just makes it seem even more like someone just decided to play a cruel joke on me
4th cycle and 170lbs - how tall are you? You really need to head over to the Diet forum. If your not eating right, your wasting your time, money and doing harm to your body for absolutely no reason. Eat!
should have mentioned that i'm 5'7 and when i started my first cycle i was 130 or just under...have a good knowledge of diet and believe me the key for me was to eat everything i could stuff down my throat whatever it was i WILL not store bodyfat and my body goes after muscle faster than anyone i've ever seen...with that said i was about 200lbs. after my last cycle...this is the FIRST time i stopped lifting after any cycle i've ever done (in fact the first time in 5 years i stopped and always mantained 75% of my gains) and the only reason was because of this shit all over my body...i really don't think 70lbs. in 2 years is that bad for just cycling 16 weeks a year...believe i'm not an idiot (no expert either) but i should have mentioned those things but its hard to lift when everyone who sees you asked you what the fuck is wrong with you...