Advice with test e and masteron


New member
Wanted to knowing anyone ran test e with masteron, ether Propinate or enenthate, I can only get my hands on Propinate though. How many Mg's of mast compared to test would I have to administer each week if it is Propinate. Woukd I need hcg for this cycle becasue the last cycle of jut tests e, I didn't use hcg and I was just fine. I did a proper pct with clomid, nolvadex and aromasin and my testes were just fine. Should I stop it 10 weeks in and test 12 weeks in? Do you think I'll need a AI with it becasue mast is a estrogen blocker on its own kinda.... How long does masteron Propinate take to start seeing any effects and will I gain a sufficient enough of size from this cycle?
I hate it when these guys do this. Post and won't give stats. Ask important Q's like should I run an AI and ya know we wanna help.

I can only guess this kid is 18 and is intimidated. WTF... Oh well :wtf:
I'm 30 years old it's my second cycle, im 5 8' 220 lbs 16 % body fat, wanted to really go with a deca and test, but I hear masteron is great as well
I'm 30 years old it's my second cycle, im 5 8' 220 lbs 16 % body fat, wanted to really go with a deca and test, but I hear masteron is great as well

Nice for you to get back with us!! :) Listen you need to understand the profiles of the steroids to decide what to use for what your purpose is and your goal. I am confused as to why you would compare Deca to Mast. Other than them both being a 19 nor they are quite different.

Mast has some Estrogen blocking traits but it is not an AI and shouldn't be used as one. Well this depending on your dose of Testosterone. Again understanding the profiles and the knowledge of Deca being slow acting, hence to be run many weeks. With the dosing od Deca , also depending on the purpose for your goal.

Get an Idea of f your realistic goal for this cycle and then understand the steroids. Also you will need that AI. This you need to understand why.
wait what? Mast is a 19 nor???

I was thinking wrong . My mistake some how I lost site and thought we were talking about Winstrol. I don't know why.

But all the other logic is valid. Mast doesn't not aromatize , but is not a clear blocker and will really not inhibit the aromatizing of test.

Thanks for the correction. :dunno:
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Well I gained 12 lbs of muscle last test cycle, becasue the extra 5 lbs went away a couple weeks after my cycle, so I know my body reacts well with tesr, and then adding masteron will keep any water I put on from the test... However if I did deca I was curious as to how my body would react to to bulking compounds
Well I gained 12 lbs of muscle last test cycle, becasue the extra 5 lbs went away a couple weeks after my cycle, so I know my body reacts well with tesr, and then adding masteron will keep any water I put on from the test... However if I did deca I was curious as to how my body would react to to bulking compounds

the only reason Mast is considered a 'dry' compound is because it does not aromatize. "wet" compounds like Dbol are considered 'wet' because they aromatize a ton. its all about estrogen control. there is nothing about masteron itself that will keep you dry, it just simply does not armotaize, ie. covert to estrogen, thats it . it will not dry you out, its does not have diuretic properties, and it is not an estrogen blocker. It will NOT keep estrogen or water retention away that you are putting on from running test. you'll need an AI for that.

and estrogen is NOT the only factor in regards to bloat and water retention. Diet is a big part as well.

Masteron is simply a muscle building DHT based non-aromatizing anabolic steroid. not an ai, not a 'hardener' , not a 'drying' compound.
What are your goals OP?

It's quite simple really....

If your after purely muscle gain, go with a lengthy Deca cycle with Test and an AI

If your trying to keep nice and tight for summer, stick with the Mast Prop and Test plus slightly lower dose AI.

I love Masteron personally, and if I can, I try and incorporate it on all cycles, I just the love the way I look and feel on it.

But if I'm after an off-season muscle gain, you can't beat Deca, both for it's mass building qualities, and it's joint support.

But like someone said above, this is all diet dependent, AI dose dependent and purely down to your own specific objectives.
the only reason Mast is considered a 'dry' compound is because it does not aromatize. "wet" compounds like Dbol are considered 'wet' because they aromatize a ton. its all about estrogen control. there is nothing about masteron itself that will keep you dry, it just simply does not armotaize, ie. covert to estrogen, thats it . it will not dry you out, its does not have diuretic properties, and it is not an estrogen blocker. It will NOT keep estrogen or water retention away that you are putting on from running test. you'll need an AI for that.

and estrogen is NOT the only factor in regards to bloat and water retention. Diet is a big part as well.

Masteron is simply a muscle building DHT based non-aromatizing anabolic steroid. not an ai, not a 'hardener' , not a 'drying' compound.

What are your goals OP?

It's quite simple really....

If your after purely muscle gain, go with a lengthy Deca cycle with Test and an AI

If your trying to keep nice and tight for summer, stick with the Mast Prop and Test plus slightly lower dose AI.

I love Masteron personally, and if I can, I try and incorporate it on all cycles, I just the love the way I look and feel on it.

But if I'm after an off-season muscle gain, you can't beat Deca, both for it's mass building qualities, and it's joint support.

But like someone said above, this is all diet dependent, AI dose dependent and purely down to your own specific objectives.

Both quotes above as I had mentioned. I like to drive this point home in regard to the Mast because I find that now more then ever do I find that people are thinking that Mast is an AI. That it (as roush put it does not have diuretic properties.

With test n Dbol and all the Aromatizing compounds you keep your Estrogen down by the use of an AI. Then your water and bloat are then controlled by your diet.

I know I have been redundant here but like I said on another thread too many people have the wrong ideas to what these compounds do and cannot do. Some of the mistakes are caused by just simple semantics when guys describe their cutting and leaning phases of cycle and plugging in this or that compound TO AID in say diet and training. It's NOT the compound that DOES IT. Good Luck
Masteron itself is NOT very anabolice, but it's so versatile and synergestic with everything else that I buy it by the 10 pak. It is the ultimate enhancer and very androgenic
Masteron itself is NOT very anabolice, but it's so versatile and synergestic with everything else that I buy it by the 10 pak. It is the ultimate enhancer and very androgenic

very true . it can be added and beneficial to pretty much ANY cycle . I was planning on running primo pretty much year round with my trt, but masteron is pretty similar and its cheaper and comes dosed in 200mg/ml where primo only comes in 100mg/ml. think I'll be running masteron at moderate doses for awhile as part of my 'trt', blast it at 600+ maybe cruise at 350-400+.

I've never ran masteron any lower then 600mg , anyone here have ? (not to hijack just curious)
Honestly I really wanna bulk in September so I just might be doing 350 of deca, 500 of test e a week, I eat clean all year round, want go gain 20+ lbs... I gained 12 with test my first cycle. Didn't know is if I should do this cycle. Do I definitely need hcg with this cycle? Or my normal out is ok Clomid 100/100/50/50 nolvadex 20/20/20/20
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