After a delay, my 1st cycle starts


New member
Age: 37
Ht: 6'
wt: 185 (down from 190)
bf: Approx 15-17 % (down from 19%)

I was going to start in the begining of Sept. but I felt I needed more time to train and figure out the best diet for myself.
The extra 8 weeks was good cause I made a little more gain in the gym and shed some bodyfat. Now I will start my 1st cycle on Monday.

Wk 1-12 Test C. 420mg/wk
wk 4-14 Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) 250 iu 2x/wk (should be wk 2-14 but dont have enough)

Adex on hand in case of gyno .
If gyno starts .5mg ED for 1 week then switch to .5mg E3D .

PCT:Starts day after last shot of HCG
Nolva 40mg ED for 2 weeks
Then 30mg for 1 week
Then 20mg for 1 week

Throughout PCT Training intensity will remain as high as possible but will decrease the volume.Also will continue to eat between 3400-3600 Cal /day but keep it very very clean (no cheating like while on cycle)

I was thinking of going with 500 mg/wk of Test C , whats the diff between 420 & 500mg,.

My only concern is that I will be starting my Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) 2 weeks later than supposed to, anyone see a prob with that?
Was excited to start today!

I woke up early and felt good. I have spent alot of time with my diet and my training and finally I took my 1st pin today.
I was calm as could be right up until I was about to stick and then I got all nervous and my hand shaked a little. I just went for it and it and it went fine.

Time to hit the fridge & then get my deadlifts on today!
My 1st pin was a few days ago and I think it went very well (very little soreness) . I was planning on starting Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) 250 iu 2x/wk on wk 4 but I was able to get some more so I will be able to start on week 2 which is more appropriate. So now I cant wait till Monday for my 2nd pin, very excited!
May want to go 4 weeks with pct.


Anyways gratz and good luck.

Yes, thats exactly what I plan. I have Nolva ready to go. I also have Adex on hand in case of gyno .

Today was my 2nd pin. Went very well. Much more steady this time. No blood at all.
Been shoveling the food in and my wt is up approx a lb. or so (I know its not from the Test). Feeling good and psyched!
I was calm as could be right up until I was about to stick and then I got all nervous and my hand shaked a little. I just went for it and it and it went fine.

Christian Louboutin
Chanel Watches
I woke up early and felt good. I have spent alot of time with my diet and my training and finally I took my 1st pin today.
I was calm as could be right up until I was about to stick and then I got all nervous and my hand shaked a little. I just went for it and it and it went fine.

Tory Burch
Louis Vuitton
Christian Louboutin Boots
My 2nd pin was on monday, I noticed yesterday (thursday) my blood pressure was up. I didnt actually get it checked but I can feel it. I did have a stressful day and it would have probably been up anyway, but this was noticable. This morn it feels a little better but I just woke up and your BP goes up higher as the day goes so we`ll see.
I did have a killer leg workout yesterday, perhaps with the elevated BP it helped me lift a little heavier. Does elevated blood pressure stay with you the entire cycle or does it taper off???
My BP is elevated but not as high as I thought, got checked at the Dr and it was 130/82 then 10 min later 120/74.

Today I have been watchin the salt and I feel better. I have always been sensitive to salt even before my cycle. I hate canned soup and other similar items cause the high sodium always made me feel fucked up. Thats cause it raises my BP......just gonna have to be very on the ball when it comes to sodium.
Start of 3rd week!

Took my 3rd pin this morning, been eating every 2 to 3 hours 6 to 8 feedings a day. I know I`m still not supposed to feel the test but I`m doing great at the gym!
I weigh in around 190 or 191, been eating good so I should weigh it a little water gain too??
Pin #4

Monday was my fourth pin. The next day I did shoulders and tris, I was clearly stronger! I usually do a 5x5 of overhead shoulder presses to start my workout, not only did I add on weight and got past my platue but I decided to do extra set on the end......felt good.
Sex drive is definitly up too.
At the start I weighed approx 187 now I`m just around 194 thats 7 lbs!!

I`m starting to get a more pumped look in my arms and my shoulders look wider.

I hope this helps my calfs out cause they just refuse to grow.
Pin # 5 was on monday. Did my deadlifts and I felt much stronger and had a killer back workout. My weight is up to almost 197. Almost 10 lbs since I started.

I did shoulders today and I was not able to do what I did the week before. Still handled the same weight but my reps were down.?? I noticed that my workouts are more intense and with heavier weight lifted but I still get sore and can be pretty tired after training.
Halfway at week 6

Just took my 6th pin today (Monday) I weighed my self on Sat and I was still at 197 (10lb up). I figured I would have been over 2 bills by now. Still getting stronger tho! I`m eating a shit ton and I actually feel great after I eat (mentally) I feel sharp and on the ball. I strated my HCG 250iu 2x/wk on wk 3 and all was good but yesterday (end of wk 5) I noticed my nads were smaller. I was advised by the board to up the HCG to 500 iu for 2 weeks until re-inflated then to go back down to 250.

I`m looking bigger and my weight is up. HAve had no bloating or signs of gyno.

correction on my weight: I`m about 199 now
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week 7

After 2 doses of HCG @ 500 iu my nuts seemed to look a little better so I went bcak down to 250 iu.

My wt is hovering around 198-199! I just cant seem to hit 200!! I still have a ways to go though so I`m not gonna sweat it.

I had 3J tune up my diet again. I noticed the gut was gettin a little jiggle on it. I know I`m bulking but I`m 37 and if I dont watch I`m gonna get a spare tire that aint gonna be easy to loose when I come off cycle. So, I`m eating 100 to 200 less cal/day and eating cleaner.

The only problem/disappointment that I can mention is that my old shoulder injury is acting up. It seems that when I train heavy and push myself it always does this. Their are certain excersise that I have to be very careful on such as dips & Incline press. I may have to start taking a few advil before my workouts....we`ll see.

Injections are going well. No signs of gyno as of yet. Feeling stronger. looking bigger. I do notice that I have less patients with people. When someone tells a long story or whatever I just get annoyed. Dont know why. Maybe I`m a dick!

Thats my update.
Wk 8

Took my 8th pin yesterday. The weight on th ebar is going up steady but not my weight. I`m still sitting at 198.5 so in response to this , I decided to dirty up my diet just a bit here and there. I wanna hit 205 by the end of my cycle and I`m on week 8! I would have to put on a lb / wk at this point.

Friend of mine commented that my shoulders look alot bigger and fuller. My girlfrnd said my arms and chest look bigger.