After bulk. cut update. lionhead


Brats' swedish lovetoy!
pic is from 2007-01-01

current stats :
210 lbs
bf 12-15% ?
doing a lean bulk on 500 mg test enanth for a couple of months. currently in week 5. And Yes I have a lil gyno, but its from puberty.
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lion your going to look really good when you lose the extra remaining bf. hard to say what bf% is my guess is 14% or so.
tman55 said:
lion your going to look really good when you lose the extra remaining bf. hard to say what bf% is my guess is 14% or so.

thx bro... Really appreciate it. =) Yeah I really let myself go on this bulk... haha :(

Gonna try LBM cycles from now on. Trying not to push the body with more weight than it can handle. Honest to god I dont know how heavier guys manage to do everyday stuff. Running, playin soccer or Tying my shoelaces is a challenge nowadays.
lionhead said:
thx bro... Really appreciate it. =) Yeah I really let myself go on this bulk... haha :(

Gonna try LBM cycles from now on. Trying not to push the body with more weight than it can handle. Honest to god I dont know how heavier guys manage to do everyday stuff. Running, playin soccer or Tying my shoelaces is a challenge nowadays.

i hear you bro. i gain 10 lbs of water and fat and lose athleticism and flexibility big time.
You are starting to get some real size on you LH. That last pic is the best I think. You seem a bit watery, I have the same problem but don't know exactly how to fix it.
LiftTillIDie said:
You are starting to get some real size on you LH. That last pic is the best I think. You seem a bit watery, I have the same problem but don't know exactly how to fix it.

thx bro.
Yeah I am watery, I think there is still a few lbs water left since it has been only 1 month since my last test shot. It takes me a while to get rid of it. Also I am not drinking nearly enough water As i Should.

Im gonna add clen after the cycle if necessary to get rid of some remaining fat. hopefully the water is gone by then.
inked1 said:
Congratulations mate, I remember when you first started posting here, man you have made some progress!

Thanks bro, I appreciate it. Been going really good lately. Hows things on your end?
How does methyl masterdrol compare to actual test, I have taken three methyl masterdrol cycles (2.5-3 weeks a piece) over 4 months and experienced good strength gains probably 80 pounds on my squat, 80 pounds on deadlift, and 50 pounds on bench
tman55 said:
lion your going to look really good when you lose the extra remaining bf. hard to say what bf% is my guess is 14% or so.

I agree look good.. You look about 14% to me