After my first shot...


New member
hello everyon
i did my first shot of teste ever on monday in my quad, approx 250mg. on tuesday night about 27hrrs later i had worst quad pain ever and my thigh was swollen to my knee. wednesday morning i woke up with reduced pain and lower swelling

is this normal on first shots? andd will i suffer same issue next time i pin? this makes leg workouts impossible :

please help with info, thx
Yes, its normal for first time...quads are a bitch regardless, alot of guys stay away from quads because of crippling pip

Your muscles will get 'used to it' after a couple times around

Be sterile, warm test before inject, aspirate, and inject smooth and slowly! Shower before to warm up muscle and switching to a fresh pin after drawing will also help reduce pip.
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Yes, its normal for first time...quads are a bitch regardless, alot of guys stay away from quads because of crippling pip

Your muscles will get 'used to it' after a couple times around

Be sterile, warm test before inject, aspirate, and inject smooth and slowly! Shower before to warm up muscle and switching to a fresh pin after drawing will also help reduce pip.

do I need to warm test even if it's at room temperature? What's the best site and time for pinning?
Run loaded barrel under hot water or hair dryer before you pin it, you dont have to, but it will inject easier, absorb better, as well as reduce PIP, inject VERY slow!!...You can ''feel' if you inject too fast.

Go with glutes, upper outer quadrant, for can basically pin any muscle though. They are chosen by preference....Try this website for info on other pinning locations. i said, after shower, day or night....Your muscles will be loosened up.

Always be sterile and always aspirate!
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Ok just an update guys, pain is gone and so is swelling.
I did a glute shot last Thursday and that went normal and much better than my quad experience. Only glutes for me from now on. my quad pain lasted about 3 days and swelling lasted about a week. very thankful to all your advice fellows, special thanks to popeye