Ahh, at last, my pictures.


PR Hungry
Ok let me first off say that I finally got the guts to show my self. Through some demand, here they are.

**Note: I did take pictures of my quads, but they turned out to be very bad and I'm planning on re-taking them in the near future.

Thanks and please critique. :)

Let me add that I just actually started up on a sound diet and workout plan. I've been seriously lifting for about 5months.
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Looking good winterlong! Taking in consideration that you've been bulking and gaining a lot of weight in a short time.
You've got good size. 194 lbs 5'8 is very good and your %bf is not that hight.
How long are you planning to continue bulking?
I'm planning on cutting down in a few weeks, probably in like 2-3weeks so I can get lean for the summer. I've actually never cut down before so I don't know how my body will act so I'm cutting a bit early.
Winter we could almost pass as genetic brothers...lol atleast you dont have the love handle i gained from bulking.

you got some stretch marks around the pec area i dont have...but your wt is shooting up fast than mine did. very nice build. also we're the Quads??? lol

over all impressive build. and once you start cutting..your gonna be freaking ripped.

keep at Winter.
**Note: I did take pictures of my quads, but they turned out to be very bad and I'm planning on re-taking them in the near future.


Thanks for all the replies guys.
LiftTillIDie said:
Looking good Winterlong, pecs and traps are thick. For some reason you don't seem quite as big as your stats indicate, but everyone carries weight differently.
I think its because my bodyfat is covering everything. I will take pics of myself during my cutting phase, we will hopefully see a big difference. :insane2: :afro:
nice job winter. nice for 5 months lifting. can tell the deads are already paying off. you have plenty of time to lose the extra weight before summer. should be no prob.
Your traps look good but you need to put some serious work into your lats....try dumbell bentover rows...supersetted with bentknee deadlifts....keep up the good work
Looking great Winter. You've got a great base to put on some serious mass with, and already have nice size for just starting out. Keep at it bro! :)
tman55 said:
what is that red mark to the right and under your right boob?
That's actually a scar from when I was a baby. When I was about 3months old, I had a very rare case of pnemonia and they had to cut my side open and put tubes from that hole and down my throat to pump this thick liquid from my lungs that kept building up.

Scared the shit outa my mom and dad. :insane2: