AI along with your cycle may be a must

pineapple said:
When a female is taking 10mg of Anavar per day, and most of that is converted into estrogen, I highly doubt that 6-oxo can stop that conversion like a pharmaceutical pill can.

Your girlfriend is also not most women. We're talking about staying in VERY GOOD SHAPE here while cycling and getting better at it.
since when did anavar or winnie start aromatiseing into estrogen
DADAWG said:
since when did anavar or winnie start aromatiseing into estrogen

i love how you read my mind dawgy baby!!!

also, about this comment...

pineapple said:
It wouldnt tank it because there is still enough estrogen in the body. It will bring it down as long as you're taking it. That's why you have to cycle this just as you would with steroids. The HDL will return to normal after the usage is stopped.
return to normal??? we are talking about women here right? whose hormones take such precision and care to balance that when suppressed, even for a short time, come back with a vengence!!
I can not even begin to tell you the struggles women face when dealing with hormone manipulation!!! just talk to any woman who's been on birth control!!

I am not being argumentative here at all.. in fact i love that you are contributing here in the women's section! and i thank you for your knowledge!!
I do feel however that when introducing an estrogen blocker or suppressor into a woman's body, GREAT care and precaution must be excercised because there are so many variables to consider and once hormones are unbalanced, regulating them again is a feat; one that i myself am oh too familiar with!

DADAWG said:
since when did anavar or winnie start aromatiseing into estrogen
Since women were born? Androgens in the female body are converted into estrogens.

These numbers will vary from source to source but women produce about .3mg of androgen a day and convert 50% of it to estrogen, while men produce 7mg but convert only a quarter of 1% to estrogen.

So as you can see, if the female body is pumped of more androgens/testosterone, alot of it would be converted into estrogen. The fat gain and water gain in a way backs this up. It would be nice to get bloodwork done while on cycle to look at the numbers.

Keep in mind that this doesn't apply to ALL women.
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supergirl said:
i love how you read my mind dawgy baby!!!

also, about this comment...

return to normal??? we are talking about women here right? whose hormones take such precision and care to balance that when suppressed,And how is this different compared to men? We go through the same thing. even for a short time, come back with a vengence!!
I can not even begin to tell you the struggles women face when dealing with hormone manipulation!!! just talk to any woman who's been on birth control!! The comparison of birth control to taking an Aromatase inhibitor (AI) is completely different.

I am not being argumentative here at all.. in fact i love that you are contributing here in the women's section! and i thank you for your knowledge!!
I do feel however that when introducing an estrogen blocker or suppressor into a woman's body, GREAT care and precaution must be excercised because there are so many variables to consider and once hormones are unbalanced, regulating them again is a feat; one that i myself am oh too familiar with! That's why the more input we have from women, the more we know instead of just guessing about what would happen. In my opinion, it would be more dangerous to put a woman on a steroid cycle than have her take an Aromatase inhibitor (AI) to lower her estrogen levels.

My responses are in red. I'm glad that you're not arguing like others tend to but instead we're having a discussion with positive input.
pineapple... manipulation of hormones is why i compared Aromatase inhibitor (AI) to birth control because birth control does that; manipulates hormones..

many women have adverse affects to birth control..

and i know for a fact that when a woman suppresses her estrogen or blocks it completely, estrogen rebounds back with a fucking vengence!!!
pineapple said:
women's bodies convert most of the testosterone produced into estrogen. So any access taken such as a steroid, will be converted into estrogen. That is why most women will experience bloating and fat gain when taking a steroid.

The androgens are converted into estrogen. Essentially what women do when they take a steroid, is pump their bodies full of estrogen. So, to get what you want from a cycle is to use an Aromatase inhibitor (AI) along with the steroid. What would be the point of taking an anabolic if most of it will be converted into estrogen anyway? Making you gain fat and a ton of water?

oh and about this comment... remember virilization?? how can that happen if we convert everything to estrogen... we do NOT pump our bodies full of estrogen when we take a steroid.. in fact that statement is completely false.. exogenous testosterone can actually suppress estrogen production and conversion is not nearly enough to combat the virilization of testosterone, so in all truth, women are MORE likely to virilize from testosterone than to get too much estrogen...

Here's some research data:
(JCEM 2002; 87: 5449-5454) studied the effects of single oral doses of androstenedione (10 women each received either 0, 50, or 100 mg) on serum levels of androstenedione and sex steroids in healthy women.

"After androstenedione administration, serum levels of estrone over 12 hours were elevated up to ~115% at the 100 mg dose relative to control. Testosterone levels over 12 hours were elevated up to ~450% relative to control at the high androstenedione dose. Estradiol levels were not elevated relative to placebo."

and estrogen does have importance as you disbelieve...
Sherwin BB. Randomized clinical trials of combined estrogenandrogen
preparations: effects on sexual functioning. Fertil Steril
2002;77(suppl 4):S49–S54

"Treatment with the combination of estrogen and androgens consistently
produced improved psychological well-being, sexual desire
and interest, frequency of intercourse, and frequency of
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