Akenbono Breaks record

Muay Thai Guy

New member
Props to K-1 Japan

OSAKA, JAPAN, June 24th, 2004 -- Reporters gathered in the Seidokaikan's Headquarters to watch Akebono in training for the "ARUZE K-1 WORLD GP 2004 in SEOUL" event. Producer Sadaharu Tanikawa opened the press conference by revealing some of the card for the July 17th event taking place at Seoul's Jamsil Stadium. Two superfight cards were announced: Remy Bonjasky vs. Aziz Khattou and Peter Aerts vs. Glaube Feitosa. Also on the card will be Musashi, who according to Mr. Tanikawa is "huge in Korea." For the first Korean event, it looks to be quite a lineup.

The Korea event will host the first ever Asian Grand Prix. Representative champions of various Asian martial arts will take part in the tournament such as Mongolian Sumo Grand Champion Dolgosuren Sumiyabazar, Sanda Champion Chinjun Chang, and Ratchadamnoen S. Welterweight Muay Thai Champion Kaoklai kaennonrsing. Also on the card are Korean fighters Dennis Kang and Myonju Lee, who Mr. Tanikawa says rank among the "best ground and standing fighters that Korea has to offer". Stylists of Indonesian Kenpo, Penchak Silat, and Silum (Korean Sumo) are also in negotiations to join the event along with the possibility of one or more of the Japanese fighters who put on such a good show in Shizuoka on June 26th. Among all these different types of fighters, the focus will still be on Akebono.

Since June 15th, Akebono has been "beating his body into submission" in preparation for taking the Asia GP trophy home.�@Except for coming to Shizuoka to watch Bob Sapp's fight, it has been constant training for the former Grand Champion.

The chief trainer for Akebono's Osaka training is Seidokaikan's middleweight ace and top-class fighter, Taiei Kin. Akebono is sure to be grateful to have Kin in his camp. The training regimen is practical and focuses mostly on sparring and mitt work. "Working out too long will lead to fatigue and possibly injury, so the training lasts from 60 to 90 minutes per day" says Kin, whose training program is focused for depth.

The reporters were mostly surprised at Akebono's return to the defensive pose the cross-arm block, the reasoning being that "it provides the best position for a counterattack." Apparently two sparring partners have already been "put down" by this maneuver. Akebono and Takeru showed reporters a sparring match that looked more serious than practice. Bleeding from his nose after a punch to the face, Akebono returned the favor by knocking Takeru down. Kin was quick to joke, "I better look for another sparring partner."

According to Producer Tanikawa, negotiations are continuing with a Silum Korean Sumo wrestler who is a possible opponent for Akebono's first round. Apparently the wrestler is a current champion who weighs in at over 160 kilograms. "Korean and Japanese sumo champions facing off in the ring will make for an exciting match!"

Another interesting match possibility is of course Akebono versus current Yokozuna Asashoryu's brother Sumiyabazar. "That would be an event in and of itself," says Tanikawa.

When asked what he thought of his possible opponents, Akebono answered, " it's more important that I concentrate on my moves and getting them out there than in what opponent I may or may not face, I've always been better at tournaments and this only lasts one day instead of the 15 day ones you have in Sumo." Akebono looks relaxed going into his first K-1 tournament and his sights are set on becoming the Asia GP champion. "Being in K-1, of course I hope to make it to the K-1 WGP Opening Round."

As the press conference wound to close, Akebono stunned the press corps with a test of power and focus. 15 ceramic roof tiles were piled on top of each other in front of Akebono and it was his first time to take a crack at a feat usually reserved for Karate practitioners. "There's no way!" he said, but he lowered his stance, lifted his right arm and after a moment of concentration- "HNN!!" the former Grand Champion grunted and destroyed all 15 tiles in one motion! The press gasped in surprise and Producer Tanikawa said excitedly, "You could've done 30!"

The technique Akebono used is called Sunkei, and it is an attack of incredible force done within a very short distance. With 3 weeks until the tournament, Akebono already has a powerful weapon at his disposal. Whether his first opponent be the Silum wrestler, Sumiyabazar, or whoever, it looks like nothing can stop the Akebono Express from reaching the Asia GP championship!
Akebono will continue to get his ass handed to him. The freaked out look on Akebono's wife and kids face when Bob Sapp knocked him out, were absolutley priceless.
Thanks MTG, this will actually be quite interesting when it happens. Akebono will get worked again though