A newer drug for Americans is Salbutamol. Salbutamol is chemically very similar to clenbuterol and is heavily used in the European circuit. The good news for some is that Salbutamol is readily available here in the United States. In America, Salbutamol is known as albuterol. It comes in tablet, inhaler and parenteral (injectable) forms.
Although many respectable steroid experts have pooh-poohed albuterol, in a recent head to head study (albuterol versus clenbuterol), albuterol was able to enhance muscle size regardless of age. (So did clen, but not by that much better of a margin.)
The use of steroids (in high doses) may be associated with an unfavorable risk for heart disease; the same isn’t true for our friend albuterol. In fact, one recent study demonstrated that daily ingestion of albuterol improved cardiac disease risk profile (lower cholesterol, LDL, triglycerides, while raising HDLs, the good cholesterol). In this particular study a daily dose of 16 milligrams was employed (8 mg twice daily).
Some other benefits observed with albuterol are improved blood ammonia levels during exercise, enhanced leg strength (and overall strength gains when combined with weight training), and elevated resting energy expenditure. Also of interest is that albuterol has been shown to help improve aerobic (running) performance as well as anaerobic metabolism (which is used in weight training). One other "side effect" of Salbutamol/albuterol ingestion is that it can enhance thyroid hormones, especially the active thyroid hormone, T3.
Of interest to athletes who undergo drug testing is that Salbutamol/albuterol isn’t on any banned list, thus it’s considered acceptable for athletes to use (remember it’s traditionally used for treatment of asthma). The dose most commonly used (tablet/capsular form) for both athletic performance enhancement and fat loss is 16 mg per day. The dose is typically divided into 4 mg. taken four times per day. It can also be taken twice daily, often started at half dose and slowly increased as tolerated.
-From T-Mag.