almost finished with first cycle..want to B&C for holiday in september


New member
Hi Steroidology memebers,

long time lurker, first time poster here, how are you all doing?

as per the title, I am currently halfway through my bulking cycle of test e (600mg/week), frontloaded with dbol, which is also my first ever injectable run, after few ph/ds/oral cycles. Btw, I'm 27, 80kgs, 5'8", 10-12% bf, been training for 7 years, 4 of which with proper nutrition/training regimes.

The original plan was to finish the cycle off with winny, add some ibutamoren after last pin and dive into pct, BUT, I just booked my holiday in Greece for the first week of September and obviously wanna look good.

I am considering doing a TRT-ish cruise (150-250mg/week of test e) until mid July and then do a mini(?) cut blast (timed so that last pin coincides with departures eve), as I wouldn't have enough time to come off, let hpta recover and hop back on cycle before going away.

I haven't actually thought of what the cut cycle would be like, so here I am asking for suggestions on how to approach this.

cheers guys!

If you're going to run minimal test for that long, you are better off to run pct for the long run. Recovering from long cycles is difficult. Hell, some have difficulty on 12 week cycles. Why chance recovery for a week vacation. Odds are you'll look better than the average so why put your health on the line for one week of your life???
thanks for your input tbonexl. I know the longer you are on, the more difficult it is to recover. Doing a rough calendar check, if I did choose to go down that road, it would be 8 weeks on TRT dose + 10 weeks of cutting blast. It would add up to a total of 28 weeks on.

now, I honestly don't mind the idea of having to be on TRT for life (many studies have shown how beneficial it is to be on TRT until advanced age, to delay muscular senescence and for prostate cancer prevention, among many other health benefit) and if that comes through not recovering from cycling...oh well. At least I would be monitored by a medical professional.

Having said that, the later I get to that stage, the better. So, IF I did choose to go down that road, what measures can I take to then have a higher chance of recovery?

I know about HCG, and I would be throwing that in, but is there anything else that you would deem helpful to have on hand or to take alongside the aas?
Trt isn't something to look forward to bud. Constant bloodwork, constant pinning, constant blood donations, at a costly price. It doesn't get easier jamming that pin into muscles after decades of abuse. Not fun getting a garden hose shoved into your arm for bloodwork and blood donations. Especially when a noob can't find a vein after the third hit. That's all considered if your LUCKY enough to get put on trt by a doc. Most of the time, insurance doesn't cover it. It would be cheaper just to do a pct don't ya think?...
I decided after a long cycle, i was just gonna self trt.

REALLY wish i hadnt.

Huge hassle.
Thats what i get for making a lifelong decision at 24 years old

Not that bad, mate. I do one shot a week. 100mg Test-U. I could do one shot every two weeks at 200mg if required.

Bloodwork always comes back perfect.

EDIT: Also, look up triptorelin. People have used it and made full natty recoveries after 5+ year long B&Cs.