Almost there...


New member
This is about 1 year ago.
My stats then were:
weight 144
bf% ????
Ive been trying to bulk up to around 155.
Stats now:
I dont have a recent pic yet but I'll post one as soon as I get one. I'm a little bit bulkier in the stomache area. I am planning on leaning out shortly but it really isnt working cause I eat like shit. I'm also natural, but who knows for how much longer. :)

Give me some suggestions if you want...
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It really an impossible task to critique you when you still have 30 - 40 lb of solid muscle to build. You can't tell what somebody's weakness is when you don't have a solid foundation yet.

Also i'd stay natural for have a ways to go before needing any help.

Keep plugging away in the gym and keep eating.

Nothing makes up for consistency and time.
I would suggest that you stay away from juice for a while. In the meantime, you should concentrate on building as much mass as possible. You're off to a great start though, keep at it!
DirkMoneyshot said:
It really an impossible task to critique you when you still have 30 - 40 lb of solid muscle to build. You can't tell what somebody's weakness is when you don't have a solid foundation yet.

Also i'd stay natural for have a ways to go before needing any help.

Keep plugging away in the gym and keep eating.

Nothing makes up for consistency and time.

What would you or anybody else suggest that I eat and how much? I want to stay around this weight(maybe gain 5-10 pounds) but lean out and get ripped. The main things that need work are my abs and my legs?
What kind of routine would you guys suggest to get lean but build more mass and get lean as well?
Thanks for the info guys...
not trying to sound like a dick, but why would you even think of taking steroids when you only want to gain 5-10lbs more... i personally eat tons of chicken and steak. pasta and bread... you get the point. healthy protein and carbs. you could also get some dextrose and use that to help gain weight. it's a simple carb that's in almost all weight gainers. i put about three cups in a big gatorade container with cool-aid. and i use optimum nutrition for whey protein.