Amounts of test needed to maintain body weights


New member
Hey guys , im just wondering if tere is a way to determine or know how much test ng/dl one must have in there body in order to maintain certain body weights . I guess from guys personal experience with blood testing and stuff if youd know . Say for someone my height being 5'8" 215-220lb 16% bf . Cause im in Canada i havent had blood work yet . But lets say for me when i get off cycle , and go natty , what can an estimate be in minimum ng/dl to be able to maintain tat natty ? Any one have a clue or guess somehow . I dont have bloodwork so i dont know . for you guys who blast and cruize , anyone whos around 200lb on trt . when u come off , do you lose weight ? and what dose do you need ?
You should focus on muscle mass, not weight. For example, when you come off cycle you will not be able to hold as much glycogen. Therefore your body weight will drop as glycogen has a lot of water attached to it. But this drop in weight doesn't mean you lost your Gainz.
Mega , i know what you are mean . After every cycle i lose a bit of weight and can see the difference in "fullness" of the muscle i guess from glycogen . But what im trying to get as is for someone around my weight to maintain it , what would a guess be in ng/dl that someone would need . For guys say TRT'ing on 125mg per week ... what does that bring u guys to in ng/dl ?... and how much do you guys weigh .... anyone at 200+ lb on that dose ? or would u say u need more ?
I don't know the answer, but I have to think that a "normal" healthy male's testosterone level can support 181 pounds of lean mass (non-fat). You don't seem like you have likely surpassed your genetic potential. You should be fine with a good diet, training and sufficient sleep. A little nookie never hurts either.
Lets say Lee Priest for example . If you know who he is . He is above 250lb , not lean , but still shredded around 210-220lb . He's not on TRT from what hes says . He supports that mass all natty . He openly says what he used / uses , and only uses for shows , then when they are done he runs no gear . Is anyone on 125mg TRT of test and over 200lb fairly lean ?
Don't focus on the mg of test. Your example of 125mg/wk puts different guys at different TT levels. It might put me at 750ng/dl and Halfwit at 450ng/dl for example.
What do you guys weigh if you dont mind me asking , you you support and maintain your cycle weight after with that dose or do you slowly lose weight ?
Don't go by me! I am trying to lower my body fat while blasting. I can't lose weight despite trying. I can't get below 202 lbs. I am probably around 12% BF right now.

But yeah... I can sustain that weight easily on my TRT dose which puts me around 1,000ng/dl.
The variables at play are just ridiculous to be able to give any sort of logical answer. So many things to take into account..

As mega has stated the "weight" doesn't really matter either.. it's the lean mass "weight" you should be shooting for.

-Lean Mass
-Test Dose
-Test Level
-Carb Intake
-on, and on, and on...

All will individually have an effect of what your lean mass and overall weight really is. The more "static" you can make each one of the variables, the easier it will be to identify how they effect your lean mass and overall weight. Each variable will vary in effect from person to person to such an extent, that even an average range would be near impossible to come up with to answer your question with. Hope this helps... :P
Don't focus on the mg of test. Your example of 125mg/wk puts different guys at different TT levels. It might put me at 750ng/dl and Halfwit at 450ng/dl for example.
Lol, you know me too well. It put me at 436ng/dL IIRC, when starting TRT.

What do you guys weigh if you dont mind me asking , you you support and maintain your cycle weight after with that dose or do you slowly lose weight ?

I'm 319 at about 15% body fat right now. I still lose some weight, but it's hard to tell how much is necessarily lean mass as I can't fit into bod pods, and DEXA is spendy in my area. But I also am on deca with my TRT, so I too am a poor example for your survey.

Lee Priest does not go natural in the off season, no way. You don't get that huge, dice down, then come off everything once the shows are over. I think the ink from his tats is soaking into his brain. :p
Jeeez halfwit . I never knew we had Ronnie Coleman's "bigger" brother on our board :P . your a monster man ! amazing lol Realy thats impressive ! How any years training halfwit ?
Hey guys , im just wondering if tere is a way to determine or know how much test ng/dl one must have in there body in order to maintain certain body weights . I guess from guys personal experience with blood testing and stuff if youd know . Say for someone my height being 5'8" 215-220lb 16% bf . Cause im in Canada i havent had blood work yet . But lets say for me when i get off cycle , and go natty , what can an estimate be in minimum ng/dl to be able to maintain tat natty ? Any one have a clue or guess somehow . I dont have bloodwork so i dont know . for you guys who blast and cruize , anyone whos around 200lb on trt . when u come off , do you lose weight ? and what dose do you need ?

toomany variables besides test, to say.
so i would say being on 100-200mg ew trt or having levels around upper range of "normal" in blood tests. its more on diet and training if Tlevels are ok.
Jeeez halfwit . I never knew we had Ronnie Coleman's "bigger" brother on our board :P . your a monster man ! amazing lol Realy thats impressive ! How any years training halfwit ?

Ohhhh nonono. Coleman weighs what I do, but is almost a foot shorter LOL. I would have to weigh around 370 or so to call myself that. ;)

I started at 13 with my Joe Weider weight bench, and have pretty much been at it since. Minus that whole pesky blowing up my knees crap, which gave me a couple years off and made me hypogonadal. :p (26 years, last 3 have been very serious)