An interesting question about GH...


New member
Although i posted this in the anabolic, i wanted the Chem gurus and PB to see this asap.

Alright, I have been reading around about GH, and its properties, and have came across something very interesting....
Over at AR, i came across this article where a former mod was stating that GH can be frozen, and will last much longer (this is provided for the people who are trying to figure out how to use the 600iu vials of bulk GH...)

Heres the article:
Here's the directions as per Einstein from AR.

you could reconstitute it at the concentration at which you'll be using it, 18 IU/mL. So, for 600 IU, you'd resuspend in 33.33mLs. Don't take this to mean your GH will be degraded while frozen at this concentration, but it's advisable to freeze/store at the most concentrated for optimal preservation. I don't think this matters, especially since you'll only be thawing each vial once. However, if you want to resuspend in 1/3 the volume and then freeze, you can just add the additional 2/3 volume upon thawing each vial. I wouldn't worry about it though.
If you resuspend at 18IU/mL, it'll be .25mL/4.5 IU.
I assume you'll be using a slin pin, so every 5.5 tics on the slin pin will be 1 IU of GH.
When you resuspend it, do so very gently, just by swirling

What are your thoughts of it? I question its validity, but he does have a point though. Also, since PB might know a bit about this...? :toilet:
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i have read several studies on this. soma states that it can be frozen but to avoid freezing and refreezing excesively. nutrop plainly says not to freeze after recon. whos right? i dont know. i always used kits and never bought the bulk vials.

if i did this is what i would do though. open the 600iu vial pour out whatever podwer you cant do in 60 days and divide it into 60day lots. then recon each vial and refrigerate once you get ready for another 60 days. do this in a clean area and store in sterile vials.

but you know what? gh is too pricey for me from the results you get. unless you got extra cash to spend there are better alterantives IMExp to get the same or better results. obviously there are some things that cannot be duplicated by other hormones but generally speaking.
I thought that GH, as its packed into the vials, it is vaccum sealed? How would a bulk order be still useable after the vaccum is broken and resored??
gymphreak said:
I thought that GH, as its packed into the vials, it is vaccum sealed? How would a bulk order be still useable after the vaccum is broken and resored??

It is vaccum sealed and I'm pretty sure that once you start to fuck with it, it will start to degrade quickly. It's very fragile stuff, I sure wouldn't attempt repackaging it and have no idea why it would even come in such a large qty IU vial.
what are some better alternatives PB ...are you talking besides anabolics. i was thinking of trying gh after my next cycle for 6 months to hold on to the gains then start again. will this make a difference do you think
sure if you wanna drop a few grand. yup Anabolic Androgenic Steroids (AAS) is a much cheaper and just as effective alternative. obviouly there are some things Anabolic Androgenic Steroids (AAS) cannot duplicate but for the money its close enough and better in many cases.

you wanna keep you gains? do a low dose test cycle for 6 months after you come off or dont come off. hmmm lets see gh $?/iu or test $?/g. i didnt post prices but i am sure you know the differnce.

dont get me wrong i love gh but at 5-10iu/d it adds up quick. and have done a lot of it over the last few years (fortunate to have the funds to do it) so this is what i base my experience on.
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it can be cheap bro....just gotta figure out how the hell to make this shit last longer than 14 days after reconsituting, and i only spend peanuts compared to what ppl are paying for jinos...prolly about half the price...
yep, and the chance of getting 6 kits snagged is way higher than the chances of customs catching a single vial. theres pro's and cons to this phreak. Looks to my like you best bet is reconstituting the whole lot, loading a bunch of pins and freezing the ones you dont need for the week. That is, if that method truely does preserve GH. Youd only have to do 1 frezzing/thawing cycle so the damage would be minimal. Keep researching.
Yeah exactly my thoughts Dougoe....ive had some replys on muscle nexus on this, whereas a "biochemist" is saying that the peptide will not be damaged and the freezing will retard the degrading process while in the freezer....I was thinking more of the line of taking out one slin pin per thaw overnight in the fridge and be ready for the next night