anabol-dbol What ya think

strongman, How would you get to and find out from british dispensery if it is real or fake? I know how to contact british dragon but would it would help me a lot to find out how t ocheck out british dispensery. Is there an web site?
I'm told by a reliable source that these are repackaged like this by sources in order to resell. Should be okay, but it's like my mother always says "u never know until u try" Peace
Could be fake but still contain the right steroid, i talked to a factory in Asia that produces hormones and they offered to make tabs anyways i asked them to show me pics of some of the d-bol tabs the made and guess what?
They sent me pics of british dispesary d-bol and i asked them is this british dispesary knock offs and they said yes.
As you all know Asian countrys dont give a f-ck about copywright and things like that so it can contain the right substance just be a knock off ,get it tested it 100$
british dispensary from what i know only come in 1000 tab/5mg tubs,
500 tab/10mg tubs, 200 tab/5mg tub. here is a pic of the 200 tab tub compliments of methan; :startrek:
strongmann said:
british dispensary from what i know only come in 1000 tab/5mg tubs,
500 tab/10mg tubs, 200 tab/5mg tub. here is a pic of the 200 tab tub compliments of methan; :startrek:

Lucky ass.. Its impossible for me to get somthing like that :(
strongmann said:
porduct in question is british dispensary not britishdragon bro! :startrek:
Yeah i realized that he said British Dispensary, but i thought maybe he misread/typed bc thats exactly how British Dragon tabs come packed.
I suspect that strongman is right. As far as I know, British Dispensary only package these in plastic tubs. So to me, the fact that you have something designed to be look like a genuine British Dispensary when its not is a big red flag.

Is its true that some resellers do repackage these, but if a reseller is doing that, there is not much point in going to the effort of making fake packaging that is designed to confuse the buyer into thinking the packing is genuine.

So I suspect that this is a counterfeit product, copying packaging that is used by British Dragon, but branding the package to make it look like British Dispensary, when in fact neither of these companies have manufactured it.

Sorry for the bad news shortbuilt guy, but that's what we are here for using this site and making sure we are looking after each other, right?