Anadrol deca test e stack critique


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Anadrol deca test e stack critique - possible gyno onset, puffy areola

Hi all first day a member but frquently visit the site via google for info.

Im 30 and 85kg and a bit of a hard gainer.
Diet consists overall of 1kg of chicken a day...a steak each night for first dinner...about 6 cups of rice a day...4 protein shakes a day lots of greens mostly beans spinach and every night for second dinner. A big bowl of salad a day. Thats usually it then ylu have all the little snacks in between like nuts and natural yogurts...oats etc.

Cycling for 5 yrs on a d off due to trying for kids..ued tren ace...deca...test e cyp prop and primobolin.

Current cycle sitting at 3 wks.

Wk 1-4 or 6 50mg anadrol thinkng of bumping it up to 75
Wk 1-12 deca at 400mg
Wk 1-14 test e 750mg
Wk 14-16 test prop
Wk 16 pct 40 mg nolva
Wk 17-20 pct 20mg nolva

Arimidex. 5mg eod wk 1 to 20.

Taking liver cleanse tablet.

Have caber and additonal nolva

Did notice areola is puffy but havent read anything really that gave me any help. Increase water intake with cranberry started on some b6 zinc...hasn't increase and no lumps.

Cheers all.
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So you didn't start test when you started adrol? Test should be the base for all cycles and orals like adrol are used as a kick start. 6-8 weeks of test e and especially deca is just a short period of time for a long ester. Test e doesn't really shine till week 6 and deca is around week 8. You kinda got your cycle jumbled adound a bit. Either drop the deca if your not going to run it for 12+ weeks or lengthen your cycle. Run your test a few weeks longer then deca so that the deca ester is low enough to start your pct. Next time start your test at week one with whatever else. If you don't want to run long cycles, don't use long esters.
Hi tbonexl...sorry my bad was at work trying to quickly jot e be rything down.

Correct i am actually doing test from wk 1 to 12 and test e from wk 1 to 14.

I feel as though the cycle is ok...just trying to work out my estrogen and progesterone control...been taking .5mg eod adex... feel maybe it may need to be .5mg ed. Got caber but think it is unlikely the systoms require me to you that.
And i thought i had gyno control under raps but it seems i have made mistake...puffy areola and a small lump underneath...excess estrogen with high prolactin levels??? Or just estrogen gyno...either way i am using AI so not sure what to do there except maybe lower dosing of test and deca.
Yeah tried that last week...doc wouldnt admit me to get it done...couldn't understand his reasons...i will follow up and see what i can arrange...i live remote nearest major town is 1800km away.