Anadrol / superdrol stacked


New member
Just want to see if any of you have stacked A bombs and superdrol.

Example would be week 1-4 or 1-6
20mg superdrol
50mg anadrol

Anyone ever dabbed into this combo??
No seems pointless SD is amazing as far as changimg the way you look amadrol os awesome for strength just seems like a horrible combo i can barely stand how i feel on either one alone. But let us know if you do it lol
Well as a matter of fact I am. Only going to do 4 weeks, if I feel.good after 4 weeks ill bump it to 6 weeks...

Also running
1g test e EW
600mg deca ew

For 16-20 weeks, the come off and cruise on 250mg test for a while.
Best oral imo is SD transforms you fast, i dont use it anymore since i started powerlifting but it is amazing just makes me feel like shit.
Yeah i like SD a lot, only thing I don't like about it is feeling lethargic when not training... idk this should be interesting. Ill.keep you guys posted how it goes. Started today.
in chemical structure , Superdrol is basically oral Masteron . why not save your liver and do this instead

600- 800mg masteron a week
50mg anadrol a day

and masteron stacks well with deca
Ive ran mast it does not compare to SD ya its masteron family but SD blows you the fuck up its like the poor mans HGH it will make you look way way bigger
Well for this blast at least I'm gonna stick with the SD for the sole reason that I have a bunch left over. BUT i am going to get with my source and get some mast and get some send and may add it in also.. and I do love how.much SD blows you up. Also for some reason my appetite goes through the roof with SD.