anadrol/test/tren cycle


New member
i heard this cycle was supposed to be pretty powerful.
can you guys give some input and help me dose everything properly?
and also please give me some suggestions for pct

First thing first, how many cycles you have done??? did you knnow anything about AAS??? you just want a free ride that someone jump and put a cycle together for you??
no ive done a few cycles before but this one seems to the most serious one.
I know about AAS and no im not looking for a free ride so chill out. I thought people help each other out here
Anyways I was thinking about doing it this way

50 mg anadrol everyday weeks 1-4
Tren ace 100 mg EOD weeks 1-6
250 mg twice per week Test E weeks 1-10
no ive done a few cycles before but this one seems to the most serious one.
I know about AAS and no im not looking for a free ride so chill out. I thought people help each other out here
Anyways I was thinking about doing it this way

50 mg anadrol everyday weeks 1-4
Tren ace 100 mg EOD weeks 1-6
250 mg twice per week Test E weeks 1-10

Is not about chill out bro, and I missunderstood your answer at first. Next time put some more stats from you outthere so we can see your not a newb. IMO cycle is too short for a long ester test like Test E. Do test prop instead and pin same days as tren A. Anadrol will retain a lot of water for the majority of users while Tren dry you out. so push + pull compounds together.Doses look ok but no long ester on Test IMO.
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Thanks for the advice bro!
But what if i switch the tren A for some tren E and run the test E with the Tren E for a few extra weeks?
what do u think?
Thanks for the advice bro!
But what if i switch the tren A for some tren E and run the test E with the Tren E for a few extra weeks?
what do u think?

That will work, but if you've never ran tren before it is a good idea to stick with the short ester in the event that sides become too much to handle. You can bail, and the ester will clear relatively quickly, whereas with enanthate, it will take a while to clear and you'll be stuck with unpleasant sides in the meantime.

Will you have an Aromatase inhibitor (AI) on hand? Also good to have something for pro. sides (eg caber or prami) using tren.

What is your plan for PCT?
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Hurt nailed bro, post your PCT and make sure you don`t start wihtout an Aromatase inhibitor (AI) + PCT on hand and some Caber or Prami for prolactin sides.