Anavar and periods?


Hi Girls,
just a quick question, I am currently into week three of my first ever cycle of AAS, 10mg of Anavar (Papervar) ED, all going well, good strength increases with no sides at all, would you expect to still have your periods while taking this dose of anavar, I have only had very mild spotting, is this common?
Thanks heaps, Leanne. :wavey:
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Yes it's very common. A lot of women completely stop their periods whilst on a cycle. I didn't get a period for most of the time I was on or it was super light. Even post cycle, I found it took my body a very long time to get back to a normal cycle. I'm sure some of the other girls will chime in as well with their experiences. :)
No acne, I am taking B5 for that though, was at 10mg anavar for 4 weeks, then up to 15mg for 4 weeks then will drop back down to 10mg for the last 4 weeks of cycle, I am in my second week since upping the dose to 15mg & have had a couple more spots on my face but nothing to worry about.
Im not sure about water retention, some days I feel my stomach looks a little bloated.
The results so far (first cycle ever!!!) are incredible, my arms & back look amazing, my legs have toned up so much too.
I love anavar!!! No sides at all......increased sex drive....fine with me :devil: