Anavar at beginning vs. end of Test E cycle


New member
I've done many searches and cannot find solid information on this:

What is the difference between doing Anavar (for ~6 weeks or so) at the BEGINNING of a 12-week Test E cycle, versus at the END of that cycle?

It seems to me that doing it at the beginning has the advantage of kickstarting the cycle. It seems some say that doing it at the end is better due to higher Test levels.

Depends on your goals- If the 12 week cycle is recomp or your going to be cutting up towards the end of the cycle then most guys use var at the end.. If your looking to add some strength and gain some dry mass with this cycle, then do it at the beginning of the cycle.

If your really bulking and want a good kick start to a cycle, there are better options then VAR.
Front load you test cycle with 150 mg of test propionate eod for 4 weeks and then 40-50 mg of Dbol ed for 5 weeks
If it were me, Id run Var at the end of a cycle. Tighten and harden up up the muscle youve built a bit. Solidify the gains a bit. Vars never been a kickstart drug in my eyes.
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I agree with Schredder. Var doesn't have a fast kick in like dbol or drol. It's a good solidifier for the end of a cycle to finish looking your best. I will say if you drop the var in the middle of your cycle you may notice that you lose some of the vascularity and muscle tone that it brings. Kind of like how you lose the water weight from dbol.
I agree with Schredder. Var doesn't have a fast kick in like dbol or drol. It's a good solidifier for the end of a cycle to finish looking your best. I will say if you drop the var in the middle of your cycle you may notice that you lose some of the vascularity and muscle tone that it brings. Kind of like how you lose the water weight from dbol.
