anavar at start and end of cycle?


New member
okguys. so this is my second cycle.
prepping for mens physique show.
running sust @ 250pw. and arimadex
wondering if I can run anavar at lowish dose 6-8 weeks as kickstart
show on week 8
then take a month break from anavar then run for last 4 weeks?

am now 200lb
sitting at about 16% bf ( I know I am not huge, but i am a surfer and am trying to maintain less then 200lb as it effects my surfing)
If you're prepping for a show it would seem to make sense to run it at the end of the cycle.

However, I personally like running compounds that are for a portion of a cycle... at the beginning of the cycle.

The reason is I like to maximize my growth and strength upfront - and then build off that for the rest of the cycle.

Having said that - I've been blasting and cruising for a long time and usually run my compounds for much longer than most
people... so I would really be interested in hearing from some members who are competing... where a very strict diet
could completely change my view.

The one thing I would say for sure is to take your anavar on an empty stomach... taking oral anabolic steroids with food
can decrease its bioavailability... this is caused by the fat-soluble nature of steroid hormones.

Please keep us posted!
okguys. so this is my second cycle.
prepping for mens physique show.
wondering if I can run anavar at lowish dose 6-8 weeks as kickstart
show on week 8
then take a month break from anavar then run for last 4 weeks?

That's a confusing post OP....

so can we clear this up... your show is in week 8 - which is in the middle of your cycle?
okguys. so this is my second cycle.
prepping for mens physique show.
running sust @ 250pw. and arimadex
wondering if I can run anavar at lowish dose 6-8 weeks as kickstart
show on week 8
then take a month break from anavar then run for last 4 weeks?

am now 200lb
sitting at about 16% bf ( I know I am not huge, but i am a surfer and am trying to maintain less then 200lb as it effects my surfing)

your currently at 16% body fat and your stepping on stage for a show coming up soon ? the last thing on your mind should be what AAS you wanna take, and should be focused on diet,, you got about 8 points in body fat to drop asap