anavar clen cycle without test?


New member
Never ran either of these and coming off a 5 month bulk cycle in.the next 3 weeks so I didn't want to jump right back.into a serious cycle.for summer.but I've been reading you don't exactly have to run.test with anavar or.clen? And would they be suggested to be ran together ?
First, after stopping a cycle you need to run PCT to restore your natural test production. Then you need to give your body a rest. You should not run another cycle right away. Time On + PCT = Time Off. You need to be off cycle for 5 months plus however long you run PCT for. If you don't do this your odds of ending up on TRT go up dramatically. The longer your HPTA is suppressed the harder it is to get it going again.

As for Anavar and Clean alone - that is a terrible idea. Your body needs testosterone. Anavar will shut down your test but not replace it. All cycles need test as their foundation.

What cycle are you running now? How old are you? What are your stats?

P.S. This all assumes you are a male.
First, after stopping a cycle you need to run PCT to restore your natural test production. Then you need to give your body a rest. You should not run another cycle right away. Time On + PCT = Time Off. You need to be off cycle for 5 months plus however long you run PCT for. If you don't do this your odds of ending up on TRT go up dramatically. The longer your HPTA is suppressed the harder it is to get it going again.

As for Anavar and Clean alone - that is a terrible idea. Your body needs testosterone. Anavar will shut down your test but not replace it. All cycles need test as their foundation.

What cycle are you running now? How old are you? What are your stats?

P.S. This all assumes you are a male.

yeah I have hug and clomid for pct and I know.the whole Time on time off thing but I haven't done much research on either clen or anavar and from.the things I was reading it did seem.odd to me that people were saying u don't need test with them. I was running deca 475 a week test cyp 500 a week and 50mg dbol week 1-4 just ended deca yesterday and have 3 more weeks of test till end. And hcg the entire cycle. And the reason I was asking this is because I know of the whole time on time off deal but I figured if u didn't need test with clen or anavar then it must not shut u down so I didn't see the harm in running right after pct but like I said I didn't do my research on it so thanks
yeah I have hug and clomid for pct and I know.the whole Time on time off thing but I haven't done much research on either clen or anavar and from.the things I was reading it did seem.odd to me that people were saying u don't need test with them. I was running deca 475 a week test cyp 500 a week and 50mg dbol week 1-4 just ended deca yesterday and have 3 more weeks of test till end. And hcg the entire cycle. And the reason I was asking this is because I know of the whole time on time off deal but I figured if u didn't need test with clen or anavar then it must not shut u down so I didn't see the harm in running right after pct but like I said I didn't do my research on it so thanks

running var right after PCT, is just dumb, NOT to bash you. But you just got off a heavy cycle man. And just because you did a 4-5 cycle PCT, doesn't mean your HTPA, and etc is 100% restored. It still takes time for you body to recover even after PCT.