anavar correct assumption


New member
hello guys, I'm using anavar 50mg and I want to know if I have to divide its take in two 25mg morning and 25mg evening, or 50 mg single assumption
Yep, 2x daily dosing is optimal for pretty much atleast every oral. Dbol is the one that I rec. doing 3x daily, or any oral that isn't a DHT based one, so Methyltest would be another.

50mg of Anavar if it is legit will produce noticeable gains, 10-20mg+ alone is good for collagen synthesis itself but in terms of results you may be a little let down. Me personally, I would go with 100mg of Anavar based on most people saying it's effects shine at that point onwards, but cost is usually the deciding factor (as it for me, I can't justifity Anavars price when I can get more for the same with Winny).
Yep, 2x daily dosing is optimal for pretty much atleast every oral. Dbol is the one that I rec. doing 3x daily, or any oral that isn't a DHT based one, so Methyltest would be another.

50mg of Anavar if it is legit will produce noticeable gains, 10-20mg+ alone is good for collagen synthesis itself but in terms of results you may be a little let down. Me personally, I would go with 100mg of Anavar based on most people saying it's effects shine at that point onwards, but cost is usually the deciding factor (as it for me, I can't justifity Anavars price when I can get more for the same with Winny).

That's brave advice bro...

Jumping straight in at 100mg is gutsy, especially if it's good quality 'Var!

OP: I'd start at 2 x 25mg doses first, take 1 or 2 weeks to assess the potency of your gear ('Var is often bunked)

If all seems ok and you can tolerate sides... raise to 75mg, and again assess the situation.

If all is good, go smash the last 3 weeks on 100mg daily - but be sure to have Taurine on hand to control those pumps and cramps!

I use 4mg Taurine daily when I run 'Var.
Anavar is fairly mild, but harm minimisation would be to start off at 50mg. 100mg is swimming out to the deep end of the pool yes, but from what I've been coming across 100mg is where the results truly come out relatively side free.

Taurine absolutely helps cramps, highly recommend it too.