Anavar Cycle Help and PCT!


New member
Ok so I'm on an anavar only cycle for 6 weeks I'm on week 4. I'm running 30mg/30mg/50mg/50mg/30mg/30mg so far I'm very pleased with results I'm currently cutting for a show in April. I've maintained my weight and leaning out real good!. My question is I was going to run winstrol after my anavar cycle until show time. So about 2 or 3 weeks. Wondering if that's ok? And if I have to take anything with the winstrol. And how I should do my PCT afterwards. I'm doing nothing but anavar and of course liver support right now. Any help will be appreciated.
Ok so I'm on an anavar only cycle for 6 weeks I'm on week 4. I'm running 30mg/30mg/50mg/50mg/30mg/30mg so far I'm very pleased with results I'm currently cutting for a show in April. I've maintained my weight and leaning out real good!. My question is I was going to run winstrol after my anavar cycle until show time. So about 2 or 3 weeks. Wondering if that's ok? And if I have to take anything with the winstrol. And how I should do my PCT afterwards. I'm doing nothing but anavar and of course liver support right now. Any help will be appreciated.

Are you a girl?
Ok so I'm on an anavar only cycle for 6 weeks I'm on week 4. I'm running 30mg/30mg/50mg/50mg/30mg/30mg so far I'm very pleased with results I'm currently cutting for a show in April. I've maintained my weight and leaning out real good!. My question is I was going to run winstrol after my anavar cycle until show time. So about 2 or 3 weeks. Wondering if that's ok? And if I have to take anything with the winstrol. And how I should do my PCT afterwards. I'm doing nothing but anavar and of course liver support right now. Any help will be appreciated.

Don't you think you should have had your pct all planned out BEFORE you started swallowing pills ?

Tury thinks you may be a girl because you don't mention anything about how much testosterone your pinning along with your VAR cycle.. var only cycles are for females.
however, even though because you now have no testosterone in your system, and you may feel like a girl.. I don't think you are a girl. ;)

Your on week 4.. hurry, get yourself some test prop before it's too late
I was not even trying to make fun of OP. I looked at the relatively small Var doses and thought that it could be a female on a heavy dose of Var, but he/she has not chimed back in yet.
I was not even trying to make fun of OP. I looked at the relatively small Var doses and thought that it could be a female on a heavy dose of Var, but he/she has not chimed back in yet.

I'm with you on this. Var and winny with a show next month? I really hope for the OP's sake lol.
I'm a dude...I've done my research small cycles 6-7weeks are fine of just anavar. I'm going to run chlomophine prob 50mg a day for 2-3weeks after my anavar cycle is up. I know I'm going to need test if I run winstrol. I need to know should I run winstrol after my anavar cycle or would 2 weeks be pointless?
It's my first ever cycle the small doses are having very good results like I said I've gained about 4 pounds and losing body fat quick! Not looking for gains! People just cutting for a show!
It's my first ever cycle the small doses are having very good results like I said I've gained about 4 pounds and losing body fat quick! Not looking for gains! People just cutting for a show!

You'd be making better gains and could be cutting even better (diet dependent) if you were running test as the base of this cycle..

Your body needs testosterone to survive. You no longer have any in your system, your doing damage to your health
You'd be making better gains and could be cutting even better (diet dependent) if you were running test as the base of this cycle..

Your body needs testosterone to survive. You no longer have any in your system, your doing damage to your health

With some test prop as a base he would get shredded. Not a recommended first cycle because of the many compounds, but much better than what is going on now.
I'm 4 weeks in I was told by multiple people that var was fine by itself for the small cycle and dosage I'm using. But if I were to start test now would it make a difference or help? I'm extremely new to this! No need for calling me a dumbass and I did a lot of research but I guess it was wrong but I asked a lot of people using anavar or have used it. But at 4 weeks I'm noticing great strength gains and leaning out and my man parts are still working fine lmao. Should I start test or no? I plan on using chlomophine about 2 weeks after my cycle is over and I plan on doing 50mg a day for 2-3 weeks is that enough?
No one is saying you are dumb dude. Just pct and next cycle use test as your base. Use nolva and clomid for pct. The stickys on this site have good info.
Nolva 40 mg WK 1-2, 20mg WK 3-4
Clomid 100 mg WK 1-2, 50mg WK 3-4
Start 1 week after the var as it clears your system very fast.
Yeah I asked 3 people I know who took anavar and a couple of my fellow competitors and that's what they told me. If I were to run winstrol after anavar with test should I wait and do pct after that? Cause I was going to do winstrol for 4 weeks up until my show after my var cycle. If I can how much test should I run and winstrol?
It's my first ever cycle the small doses are having very good results like I said I've gained about 4 pounds and losing body fat quick! Not looking for gains! People just cutting for a show!

First ever cycle..? Why did you post in another thread and say this then

did a 6 week var only cycle and dick is still as hard as ever I didn't use test! Great first cycle for when I was cutting for my show!

OP- I'm just curious, how old are you? What are your stats
You've been running VAR only now for 4 weeks or 6 weeks?
So your 8 weeks out... You probably don't wanna do a pct going into a competition. You can fix this up and ride it out 8 more weeks with the proper compounds and knowledge. So it'll basically be like you did a 14 week long cycle,,with a var kick start. That's a fairly long cycle for a newb, recovery will be more difficult, you need to start running HCG ASAP, 500 iu a week to help with recovery

With that short of time remaining your only real testosterone option is gonna be test Prop,, the longer esters may not kick in on time
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