Anavar Cycle


New member
I am looking in to taking an anavar only cycle. I realize many of you "dog" on oral only cycles but this is simply because I can not afford to get gyno due to the fact I am getting into fitness modeling. I am an experienced lifter and would be more than happy to post pics to prove that. Thinking about running 40-50 mg for 6 weeks. I am 21 years old to whom it may concern. Also, i plan on using liver protectants throughout and a pct afterwards. Yes this is my first cycle and I have read the stickies. This has been brought to my attention because I hear many fitness models use anavar. Furthermore, many of you will say fitness models don't use roids and if this is the case I'm sure we are talking about different pros. Also i will take either proviron or cialis for any potential libido problems. Let me know what you think.
Like I said "new guy" I cannot afford to get gyno... Unlike 90% of the guys on here who are bodybuilders with gyno. Will post pics tomorrow.
I can assure you that 90% of guys around here don't have gyno. Hats because we use aroma taste inhibitors. Don't use excuses... Test or no aas
I am looking in to taking an anavar only cycle. I realize many of you "dog" on oral only cycles but this is simply because I can not afford to get gyno due to the fact I am getting into fitness modeling. I am an experienced lifter and would be more than happy to post pics to prove that. Thinking about running 40-50 mg for 6 weeks. I am 21 years old to whom it may concern. Also, i plan on using liver protectants throughout and a post cycle therapy (pct) afterwards. Yes this is my first cycle and I have read the stickies. This has been brought to my attention because I hear many fitness models use anavar. Furthermore, many of you will say fitness models don't use roids and if this is the case I'm sure we are talking about different pros. Also i will take either proviron or cialis for any potential libido problems. Let me know what you think.
save your pics
Yes they use anavar, but they use test as a base!! Doubt you would need a liver protectant at those doses anyways.
so much to learn...

and u think proviron works like viagara hahaha... add proviron at 50mg ed to the anavar at 50mg per, but those 2 SHOULD have a nice little test prop "side dish" at 100mg eod...

run it like that for 8 wks with, then do a PROPER 30 day post cycle therapy (pct) consisting of clomid 50mg ed/nolva 30mg ed beginning 10 days after your last test prop injection

man up... or go get your balls cut off.. then a "var only" cycle will suit u ;)
so much to learn...

and u think proviron works like viagara hahaha... add proviron at 50mg ed to the anavar at 50mg per, but those 2 SHOULD have a nice little test prop "side dish" at 100mg eod...

run it like that for 8 wks with, then do a PROPER 30 day post cycle therapy (pct) consisting of clomid 50mg ed/nolva 30mg ed beginning 10 days after your last test prop injection

man up... or go get your balls cut off.. then a "var only" cycle will suit u ;)
CW always on point
First, welcome to ology you fool! "I cannot afford to get gyno...Unlike 90% of the guys on here who are bodybuilders with gyno...CRAP" Do you think we owe you something? What kind of clown makes that kind of statement without knowing shit about AAS? Do you even know about Aromatase inhibitors (AIs)? Do you even know that you don't need an Aromatase inhibitor (AI) at doses 300-600mg/w of test, if your bf % is below than 13. Personally I smell some kind of fear of needles, if you're gonna do it, do yourself a favor and do it right because you won't go far with orals.
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Anavar only seems like it would do more harm than good for men. And you're not going to blow up on 100mg eod of test if that's what you're really worried about.
these guys starting to wear me down. what lab Anavar (var)? pct?

"Furthermore, many of you will say fitness models don't use roids and if this is the case I'm sure we are talking about different pros."

i don't think this makes sense. all fitness models juice.
Notice how these Anavar (var) guys always have an exuse:" iam not looking for huge results", "i am just experimenting" but this one really takes the cake "i cannot affotd gyno, 90% of guys that use test have gyno" I am sorry but that is just not true. I am running 500 mg of test a week, my nipples got a bit sore I took two small doses of arimidex and bam it was gone. Stop being a pussy even your faggot aesthetic king zyzz used test.
Hey could you help me replace the tire on my car? It just blew driving home and I'm on the side of the road. No, I don't want you to use the jack and lug wrench, I want you to use your teeth you goddamned savage.

How well do you think that would work, dickbreath?
Its funny how this always gets beat to death lol @ oral only cycles.

Whenever you see an advertisement for a supplement with some ripped model saying how it changed his life and all that bullshit just know he pins test. To think you can compete with chemically enhanced people with only Anavar (var) is simply ridiculous.

Just as in a professional sport, once one person starts to use AAS EVERYONE else has to use it to compete. The stud will wipe the floor with those scrubs if they don't.

Just know the path your looking into IS going to lead to AAS use and ABUSE. I'm not saying this is wrong, but I am saying do more research. You can't come on this board with a idea like a Anavar (var) only cycle, and THEN say you have done research. Read up bud, your health depends on it.
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Haha I had a feeling you roidboys might roast the idea. I knew a physique competitor from my gym that did a Anavar (var) only cycle and it worked out well for him but since you all feel so strongly about it I will revert to my original plan of 500 mg of Test E with adex run along and hopefully show him who is boss next competition. This is my most recent pic and I'll keep a log if anyone cares. And to whomever asked about what lab... I was going to go with GP.
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Haha I had a feeling you roidboys might roast the idea. I knew a physique competitor from my gym that did a Anavar (var) only cycle and it worked out well for him but since you all feel so strongly about it I will revert to my original plan of 500 mg of Test E with adex run along and hopefully show him who is boss next competition. This is my most recent pic and I'll keep a log if anyone cares. And to whomever asked about what lab... I was going to go with GP.
solid base, and good idea switching to test. best of luck :)