Anavar Cycle

Ponderosa said:
Hasn't anyone caught this yet? You posted these same pics what, like 2 years ago under a different user name. I don't get it.
FER REAL DOOODE, how many first cycles are possible anyway? ABIDABI whats your angle any ways??? or do you just suffer from amnesia
this is my first cycle ever and it is anvar i am using.


v1 30 mg ed
v2-6 45 mg ed

i have been using the var for 1 week today i high the dosage to 45 mg.

Effects: insane pump in the muscles. i feel that all my body is pumped
more strenght, feel much more harder all my muscles feels like stone.

Sideeffects: frats some nasty bombs, svetting a lot when i am training.

my goals: gain little muscles and much strenght


Right on I am on similar cycle, lets see some before and after when your done. I am only running 5 weeks though and I am glad, I have no sex drive and the boys are shrinking. Ill post my results in 5 days.

good luck.
Today is my 8th day on var. So far so good. Minor strength gains MASSIVE hunger increase...i eat everything except the Muscles are becoming very hard..noticing it the most in the chest.

I'm taking 50mg capsules. Running it for two months. (58 days)...8 down 50 to go!!!
Keep us posted I just gotta hold of 100 of those 50 mg caps & am about to start a prop/var cycle when everythings in place. Are yours gray/white ? Remember no names please.