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Adebisi said:Hey bro
i only took ana Anavar (var) . no hcg and i dont think i will do a post cycle therapy (pct) since a dont know who sells post cycle therapy (pct) stuffs. for ex: nolva.
i live in sweden thats the problem. pics will come in a week.
you say so thats nice hope too keep the hardness and the strenght.
i am never going to take anything then Anavar (var) thats for sure because i want to be as clean as possible. if i will use Anavar (var) one more time maybe 1 time a year or so.
but IMO Anavar (var) ROCKS TOTALTY!
YOu probably didn't/don't need hcg but post cycle therapy (pct) is a must.
YOu idea of clean is a ittle extreme but if that's your thing it's cool.