Anavar Cycle

Adebisi said:
Hey bro

i only took ana Anavar (var) . no hcg and i dont think i will do a post cycle therapy (pct) since a dont know who sells post cycle therapy (pct) stuffs. for ex: nolva.
i live in sweden thats the problem. pics will come in a week.

you say so thats nice hope too keep the hardness and the strenght.
i am never going to take anything then Anavar (var) thats for sure because i want to be as clean as possible. if i will use Anavar (var) one more time maybe 1 time a year or so.

but IMO Anavar (var) ROCKS TOTALTY!

YOu probably didn't/don't need hcg but post cycle therapy (pct) is a must.

YOu idea of clean is a ittle extreme but if that's your thing it's cool.
roccodart440 said:
YOu probably didn't/don't need hcg but post cycle therapy (pct) is a must.

Agreed. You will still recover without running a post cycle therapy (pct), it will just be a lot longer of a process. Not great for keeping gains, but if there was one compound that I would choose to run if I couldn't run post cycle therapy (pct) it would definitely be anavar. Good luck.
Lucky13 said:
hi Adebisi

did u take any HCG whilst on and what r u gonna use for PCT?

Since you have finished the cycle now can u upload some b4 and after pics, I'd be interested in seeing the improved muscle hardness people talk about :D

As regards to keeping ur gains I've heard a high percentage keep a large amount of the extra strength and muscle hardness :D

Are you going to run another Anavar (var) cycle or move on to something else ?

here you got your pics bro... not the best but they is ok.
hope you like it... bigger biceps have i got from 38 cm - 40 cm
i suck at poses hehe so be nice.

better will come later. :wiggle:

i am going to go for a diet now. 2 v clen 2 v effe.
what is good to take more with that to keep muscles.. testo?

going for a 8 % BF.
in 6-8 weeks
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You look great man. LEan, defined and enough size to know you work out. If I were you i'd clean up for a couple months and see where your at. Great results.
roccodart440 said:
You look great man. LEan, defined and enough size to know you work out. If I were you i'd clean up for a couple months and see where your at. Great results.

thanks bro... nice to hear.
what you mean with clean up for a couple om months?

Adebisi said:
thanks bro... nice to hear.
what you mean with clean up for a couple om months?


YOu are plenty lean now. What I mean by clean up is stay off all juice, clen t3 etc. and just eat healthy and workout.
roccodart440 said:
YOu are plenty lean now. What I mean by clean up is stay off all juice, clen t3 etc. and just eat healthy and workout.

oki i understand what you mean but i think i must cut for the summer..
dont you think that?

which is best to cut on then?
Use anavar again but with test as a base. Add a cutting suplement. I would not recomend clen.

Possibly add in a very, VERY low dose of T3.
roccodart440 said:
Use anavar again but with test as a base. Add a cutting suplement. I would not recomend clen.

Possibly add in a very, VERY low dose of T3.

bro i have decided not to cut anymore i want to build muscles..
what do you recommend to me... i dont want to be bloat like a ballon...
build mass and muscles.

there are 3-4 testo names i dont understand that.. help me man
i wan to keep as much i can after the cycle

thanks bro you are a nice.
roccodart440 said:
YOu are plenty lean now. What I mean by clean up is stay off all juice, clen t3 etc. and just eat healthy and workout.

bro you are right :) no more cycles for me... only did 2-3 weeks on anavar only and thats it. ill start my cutting on monday. with 2 weeks clen, 2 weeks effe and so on for 6-8 weeks.

Hello guys....
i have found a source that sells anavar. this is not ip.
Anvar Russian 10 mg tabbs. white tabs

which mark is it.. UG labs?

will start on them in the weekend... i am going to be off for 4-5 days does it mather much?

what do you think about primo + Anavar together?

roccodart440 said:
YOu can cut on test

hello bro... i have found new anavar tabbs.. 10 mg genetic pharma (GP)
90 tabbs. how do you think i should do combined them with my clen cycle on my cutting or wait untill after the cutting is done. then start the anavar cycle for 6 weeks.

well many people says that clen is good so i am going to give it a shot
I am on the 3rd day and i am taking 60 mcg/day. tomorow up the dose to 80 mcg/day and stop there for a couple of days. only feeling headace and peeing a lot.
2 v clen 2 v ECA.

Morningwalks 1 hour ED before breakfast.
Carbohydrate: 30 %
Protein: 50 %
fat: 20 %

thanks for every help.
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roccodart440 said:
If you are dead set on using the clen then stack it witht he var

yes i am going to test clen 2 weeks.. if no effect then i will go for effedrin last 4 weeks.

Is it a good combination to stack clen/effe with the anavar.
and which dosage to you think i you go for (anavar)
thinking about 40 mg ED

Lucky13 said:
he he you make me laugh first you say no more steroids for quite a while and then 3 days later your on them again ;) From the sound of it steroids are addictive :D

Great pics dude, I'm going to do my Anavar (var) cycle soon but I'm trying to source some good Anavar (var)'s so much cheaper I can get 5000mg for the price of 1000mg :D

Anavar (var) allllllll the way :D Although I am begining to understand why people say test is also great...with the right ancilerys test probably kicks Anavar (var) s ass.
i remember you posted before about hairloss being an issue with test,how is that now , u seem to like test now..hehehehe :shoot3:
ps: good progress there and sorry about hijaking this thread,i am out now..peace
i will continue my Anavar (var) cycle in 2 weeks.. only going to to a 3 weeks cutting cycle to get little more trimmed for the summer.
my first week is completed. clen is working ok i am on 80 mcg/day

do you think i should have eat days. ex: every saturday when i can eat some candy and potato?
I got 90 tabbs. Oxanabol Anavar from (GP) generic pharma.
900 SEK = about 120 dollar

will go with this cycle on my cutting.

40 mg ED in 6 weeks.

hope to get in better shape and grow little muscle on my cutting.

start on monday! look forward to monday :naughty: