Anavar - First Cycle

Lucky13 said:
Yeah i gotta agree everyones seems obsessed with how much they weigh, unless you put on 15lbs every cycle then you have gotta have weight weight weight...I've seen alot of people on the boards coming in at 185lbs who look insane with serious knarley shape....the other meat heads stuff there face with pizza, inject steroids into there ass there hair falls out but hey I weigh 230lbs so I must be kewl....who cares that my joints are shot and my head is a crome dome.

that's just great now my big mouth has got me being hunted by muscle heads :insane2:
Lucky13 said:
Yeah i gotta agree everyones seems obsessed with how much they weigh, unless you put on 15lbs every cycle then you have gotta have weight weight weight...I've seen alot of people on the boards coming in at 185lbs who look insane with serious knarley shape....the other meat heads stuff there face with pizza, inject steroids into there ass there hair falls out but hey I weigh 230lbs so I must be kewl....who cares that my joints are shot and my head is a crome dome.

that's just great now my big mouth has got me being hunted by muscle heads :insane2:

Dear Mr. Lucky13,

Why do you want to bash people who wish to attain hugeness? Can't you respect the fact that different people might have different goals? Just because you have a six pack year-round, does that make you superior to the fat power lifter that can bench four times your bodyweight? Please try to be a little more tolerant of people with goals that are different from yours. Peace.


Balding, Fatass, Wannabe Kewl, 6'0", 270 lb, 18% BF Meat Head

PS - Sorry to hijack this thread!
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