Anavar for a female post surgery


New member
I have been doing some research on anavar for females and like what it has to offer. I am 6 months post hip surgery and have having trouble getting back to where I was. I am a very active female both for work and off, and just want to get back to the heavy lifting/strong lifestyle I had. Does anyone have any insight or suggestions on this subject?
just do 10mgs everyday and make sure you got real var as most of it is fake. You can adjust up to 20mgs ED if needed
Are you cleared from PT, and released back to active exercise? You really don't want to jump the gun and hurt yourself all over again if you're not fully healed.
No point jumping on gear right after surgery, especially Anavar... You'll regain strength naturally, then when you plateau you can think about Anavar.
just do 10mgs everyday and make sure you got real var as most of it is fake. You can adjust up to 20mgs ED if needed

This isn't good advice op. Disregard. Those doses are too high for a female to start with. Especially not one who just had hip surgery...
10 migs a day is too high?
I dont know what kind of hip surgery she had but anavar increases collagen repair, increases bone density and obviously muscle strength...
But it is up to her not to push to hard in the gym...
10 migs a day is too high?
I dont know what kind of hip surgery she had but anavar increases collagen repair, increases bone density and obviously muscle strength...
But it is up to her not to push to hard in the gym...

It has the propensity to assist collagen synthesis. This does not mean that anavar will heal connective tissues to any great extent. The only hormone that truly can do this is human growth hormone.