Anavar help for dosage!! First cycle, woman


New member
I am planning to start a cycle and have already gotten some Anavar but I was going to start with 5mg/day and move up to 10mg/day in the 2nd or 3rd week. But my bf came home with capsules that are 25mg each. Is it possible for me to open them and split it up??
I was reading that it is best to take it twice a day because of the short ester. Any advice on how to split them up??? And would I just dissolve the portions into water when I take it??? Any advice would help. Thanks
24 years old, 5'8, 145lbs... Not sure on bf% exactly, maybe about 18 or 19 %. I do weight training 5 days a week, with about 30 mins to an hr of cardio. I'm trying to gain muscle and lose some body fat. Simple. I'm just confused about how to split the capsules. ( I made a mistake in the original post, the capsules are 20 mg each.