Anavar only cycle first time

i would only recommend about 60mg of anavar for 4-6 weeks , the day after u finish your last anavar , take clomid for 3-4 weeks at 50mg per day, when u take the anavar take them all at once , any time of day doesnt matter , and when u finish and start the clomid , take them all at once , any time of day doesnt matter until u are done
however if u are not 20 or older , your body still hasent finished developing and u shouldnt take anything at all yet , there are bigger risks depending on your age that i wont get into but in that case just drop the idea
Are you sure any time of day because I was reading you are supposed to take one in the morning and one at night?
dude im very sure ,people belive u need to spread the dose throughout the day to have it in your system at all times , but u can take it all at once because it lasts in your body for 12 hours , if u are not 21 or older however , just drop the idea though , i dont want to get into the reasons why , but u will be taking MUCH bigger risks , and just forget it in that case
Seriously because I'm 19.. How are the risks bigger?

You're body is not done developing. You risk your body's future hormones much more than if you were 25 ish. You're too young. Wait a few years. You are risking a cycle that will do little for you and most likely take you backwards in the grand scheme of things. TEST ONLY for first cycle. Just eat, train, rest, repeat for a few years minimum.
ahh man , whole different ball game at your age , your body and its systems still havent finished developing , u dont need steroids right now , they will mess up your body , forget the idea , learn to train and eat naturaly , im not gona sit here and tell u all the sides of why its not a good idea at your age , im sorry , learn to train without steroids, u gain gainalot more muscle naturaly before u consider aas , do a quick few searches yourself and see why its no good to do steroids at your age , bad idea man , it stunts your growth when u are not fully developed yet , u can have problems ever getting back to normal test levels , u can mess up your endocrine system , just leave it at that and except the advice
That's brutal but so many people my age so steroids its fucked that's why I started to consider but you guys obviously know more than me.. I guess I'll wait a year or 2 maybe I'm still kinda iffy.. Might as well read up on it some more before I keep breaking your nuts with questions lol
hey man no problem , but make the better choice , just because everyoine is foolish and doing stupid things , it makes u a stronger person to realize it and say screw it , let them mess up if they wish , but dont mess up yourself , thr risks arent worth it right now , if u realy have the motivation man , learn that u can achieve everythign u wan tot naturaly , and that will make u a better person , hopefully u make the good choice , sounds like ur a smart guy
Seriously because I'm 19.. How are the risks bigger?

I'm a newbie also but. I think its because your still growing and ur natural test levels are still good. Average males test levels drop when ur about 28 or so. So you don't want to kill ur system while ur still young. And probably other reasons also. Just eat a lot and stay off the shit. Like taking viagra when you have a good hard on.
will bump this thread just cause its anavar only ;P

op you dont just do orals, either man the fuck up and start pinning or dont do roids
Kids these days.. soft. At some point these youngsters are going to demand a gummie bear delivery system for their gear.
Kids these days.. soft. At some point these youngsters are going to demand a gummie bear delivery system for their gear.

I'd take gummy bear anavar or dbol... :D Hell, I eat my daughter's gummy vitamins if I run out. Hahahaha.