anavar only cycle

doctors prescribe it for kids that need to grow taller

i saw some cases that was true when i searched but they were old . im not sure this would be used today .im definately not sure on this and even the old cases i saw said that extended use would not work , it was to jump start puberty. thats not the same as making a person with a normal hormone system taller than they would be so unless the poster is a hypogonadic 13 year old using Anavar (var) wont work.
Linear growth is facilitated in part by increased cellular Protein synthesis. Making either treatment effective for growth ie. TU and oxandrolone@4.3 and 4.2cm/yr respectively. However ox is ideal because of it's inability to aromatize, but T's estrogen might cause pre-mature closure,hence why the average height of a female is 4-5 inches shoter then average male.Unless aromatase levels are low to non-existent at those ages, but one can witness gynecomastia during those years...prolactin origin?..maybe

After the pubertal phase is complete further linear growth is highly unlikely, whether it's from Test, oxandrolone, or HGH.
However bone enlargement(acromegaly) has been observed with supraphysiological does of exogenous HGH.

Oxandrolone treatment of constitutional short stature in boys during adolescence: effect on linear growth, bone age, pubic hair, and testicular development.

Marti-Henneberg C, Niirianen AK, Rappaport R.

Seventeen constitutionally short boys were studied throughout puberty. Nine received oxandrolone (0.1 mg/kg/day). Treatment was started before onset of puberty. Eight boys served as control subjects. No significant increase in linear growth or skeletal maturation was observed in the treated group. Likewise the peak height velocity was unchanged. Pubic hair developed similarly in both groups in relation to chronologic and skeletal age. The only significant difference was a diminution in testicular volume index during treatment after bone age of 12 years and until bone age of 14 6/12 years.
this study is old, and im sure beliefs have changed, if you would like im sure i could dig up some stuff on this.
i saw some cases that was true when i searched but they were old . im not sure this would be used today .im definately not sure on this and even the old cases i saw said that extended use would not work , it was to jump start puberty. thats not the same as making a person with a normal hormone system taller than they would be so unless the poster is a hypogonadic 13 year old using Anavar (var) wont work.

^^^ exactly

i will dig up whatever you want on it, either way that study does not prove anything about HPTA suppression.

ana Anavar (var) is suppressive, trying to figure how suppressive is useless, too many real life factors that go into that.
Why does everyone try to overlook the point of it being suppressive. That's the whole point of why test is used. Just because you feel good now does not mean you will in another week or two. Eventually the suppressive effects will catch up with you. Also don't give advice on it until after you have finished the cycle and have a chance to see how you were effected. At least then you have some experience.

I have cycled and not used a pct. It was a stupid move. The point being, if you are going to use AAS do so in a way that is most effective. Most people don't experience sides with many steroids and only being on a few weeks shouldn't be used as an example either.
I'm pretty sure you meant "ignorance is bliss", Cobra. oh sweet irony.

for all the supposed genius arguing against monster's Anavar (var) only cycle, everyone seems to be missing the fact that monster is not only not trying to gain weight, he's actively trying to NOT gain weight. he's in a weight controlled sport, as I am, which is why many Anavar (var) only people take Anavar (var) . why are you telling him to get on test, which is def going to blow him up? it has nothing to do with a fear of needles. I think it's safe to say that most people who would be afraid of roids bc of needles would likely be afraid of the roids themselves.

again, monster, I did a Anavar (var) only cycle for 2.5 months and had great results. I did a proper PCT afterwards and had absolutely no complaints. well, one: by the end of the cycle, erection quality was down, but it slowly came back. it wasn't to the point that I couldn't have sex or anything, so it was no big deal anyway. my liver function was affected in only the most trivial ways. blood pressure was fine.

good luck monster.
I'm pretty sure you meant "ignorance is bliss", Cobra. oh sweet irony.

for all the supposed genius arguing against monster's Anavar (var) only cycle, everyone seems to be missing the fact that monster is not only not trying to gain weight, he's actively trying to NOT gain weight. he's in a weight controlled sport, as I am, which is why many Anavar (var) only people take Anavar (var) . why are you telling him to get on test, which is def going to blow him up? it has nothing to do with a fear of needles. I think it's safe to say that most people who would be afraid of roids bc of needles would likely be afraid of the roids themselves.

again, monster, I did a Anavar (var) only cycle for 2.5 months and had great results. I did a proper PCT afterwards and had absolutely no complaints. well, one: by the end of the cycle, erection quality was down, but it slowly came back. it wasn't to the point that I couldn't have sex or anything, so it was no big deal anyway. my liver function was affected in only the most trivial ways. blood pressure was fine.

good luck monster.

10 weeks of Anavar (var) , wow nice job.

beauty is only skin deep but stupid goes all the way to the bone.
I'm pretty sure you meant "ignorance is bliss", Cobra. oh sweet irony.

for all the supposed genius arguing against monster's Anavar (var) only cycle, everyone seems to be missing the fact that monster is not only not trying to gain weight, he's actively trying to NOT gain weight. he's in a weight controlled sport, as I am, which is why many Anavar (var) only people take Anavar (var) . why are you telling him to get on test, which is def going to blow him up? it has nothing to do with a fear of needles. I think it's safe to say that most people who would be afraid of roids bc of needles would likely be afraid of the roids themselves.

again, monster, I did a Anavar (var) only cycle for 2.5 months and had great results. I did a proper PCT afterwards and had absolutely no complaints. well, one: by the end of the cycle, erection quality was down, but it slowly came back. it wasn't to the point that I couldn't have sex or anything, so it was no big deal anyway. my liver function was affected in only the most trivial ways. blood pressure was fine.

good luck monster.

first cycle of mine: test e 750mg a week. Aromatase inhibitor (AI) and clean diet, gained strenght and stamina, and lost 2 pounds after PCT, again your doing things without undrstanding what they actually do
Any suggestions on where I can find legit 40mg Var, new to the site and really don't know what company is worth me getting legit Var.