Anavar, t3, winny stack. I need advice


New member
This is my second cycle I did ana Anavar (var) last year for my comp as well.I am 9 weeks out from my second figure comp and I am having lots of troubling leaning out. I started a cycle of Anavar (var) 25 mg per day with t3 20 mcg to which i have taken it up to 50 mcg and 20 ml on Winstrol (winny) every other day. I stopped the Winstrol (winny) because it made my vjay jay hurt really bad every day and i was spotting every am after I took it or had sex. I was on 1000-1300 calories diet with 160 grams of protein, 75 carbs and 45 fat intake. I do 2 a days with am fasting cardio for 1 hour and 1 hr pm cardio plus strength training. I am still running the Anavar (var) and my period seems to be on for which it is normal for me to retain water. I swear I am gaining weight. I recently saw another nutritionist that suggested I increase my calories to 1500 113 grams of protein, 75 grams of carbs, and 83 grams of fat. I am thinking of adding clen and letrozole. Can someone please help me!!!!!!!
No disrespect, but what the hell is a vjay jay? Your vagina?
We need more info as to where you currently are to make suggestions. How tall are you, what is your bf, weight? Those are seriously low calories. IMO, way too much cardio. Your body is likely going into starvation/protection mode, and it's going to adapt to the low calories and increased cardio. What is "strength training?" What does it look like? Anavar (var) at 25 ED is pretty high for a female.
This is my second cycle I did ana Anavar (var) last year for my comp as well.I am 9 weeks out from my second figure comp and I am having lots of troubling leaning out. I started a cycle of Anavar (var) 25 mg per day with t3 20 mcg to which i have taken it up to 50 mcg and 20 ml on Winstrol (winny) every other day. I stopped the Winstrol (winny) because it made my vjay jay hurt really bad every day and i was spotting every am after I took it or had sex. I was on 1000-1300 calories diet with 160 grams of protein, 75 carbs and 45 fat intake. I do 2 a days with am fasting cardio for 1 hour and 1 hr pm cardio plus strength training. I am still running the Anavar (var) and my period seems to be on for which it is normal for me to retain water. I swear I am gaining weight. I recently saw another nutritionist that suggested I increase my calories to 1500 113 grams of protein, 75 grams of carbs, and 83 grams of fat. I am thinking of adding clen and letrozole. Can someone please help me!!!!!!!

Vjay jay....pmsl. Its a UK thing, but thanks just spat cottage cheese at the dog, quoting that on here:)