anavar... test and droll cycle..


I am banned!
I'm on a cycle right now of Test E and dboL. I'm in week 6 I'm up 20 pounds, i did droll for 2 weeks only sadly because someone stole my whole bag from my car. i had extra test so i can finish my cycle. my question is After the last injection of test e how many days can i continue to take anavar? i read here somewhere that its ok to take anavar for an extra week from the last injection? just wanted to make sure since ill be adding var to the end o my cycle at 50mg ed. thanks
Technically you can up to PCT, but it does keep you suppressed. I'd just start the var sooner, or up the dose. Why take any extra risk when it comes to recovery?

My .02c :)
Technically you can up to PCT, but it does keep you suppressed. I'd just start the var sooner, or up the dose. Why take any extra risk when it comes to recovery?

My .02c :)

i still have about 6-7 weeks left , so should i just take it for 6 weeks till my last injection?