Anavar+Test E First cycle


New member
I am about to start my first cycle within the next week or two and hopefully have an awesome start to 2013. Have read up on as much as possible and was hoping if the more knowledgable could chime in and give a few pointers.

Age: 24, turning 25 in 3 months.
Weight: 88.5kgs
Height: 178cm
BF%: 15%
Training: 3 years.
1RM: Bench 120kgs, OHP 95kgs, DL 180kgs, Front Squat 125kgs.

My goal is primarily to increase my strength and also put on a small-moderate amount of lean muscle mass.

I will be doing a Anavar + Test E stack.

Weeks 1-10: Test E @ 500mg/wk (Split into 2 dosages, monday morning and thursday evening)
Weeks 5-10: Anavar @ 60mg/day (40mgs 30 mins before training and 20mg later in the evening. Have thought about splitting into 3 dosages but I fear I will forget a dosage and yes, i know about the half-life.)
Weeks 12-14: Clomid @ 50/50/25/25

Will have Nolva on hand if needed.
If needed, Nolva Weeks 12-14 @ 40/40/20/20.
AI: Arimidex 0.25mg/day(on hand if needed).

Milk Thistle
Creatine (read it compliments Anavar nicely)
Fish Oil tablets
Drinking bucket loads of water with X-tend (Heard appetite could be an issue.)

Anything I have missed?

Thank you!!
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Thank you infection!

Is my post cycle therapy (pct) enough? I read the stickies and for a 'light' cycle, Clomid would be enough.
I think post cycle therapy (pct) looks fair. 50/50/50/50 clomid 40/40/20/20 nolva is what I have seen most use though. Just my opinion, everything else looks pretty good.
im doing the same cycle but test for 12 weeks and im going to take var from week 8-14 at 60mg a day and start post cycle therapy (pct) the day after my last var pill
Hey guys, have changed my cycle after doing a bit more digging around.

Weeks 1-12: Test 500mg/wk
Weeks 7-12: Anavar 60mg/day
Weeks 1-14: Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) 250iu 2xper week.
Week 15: Res100.