Anavar vs clenbuterol to loose weight


New member
Okay so I am 24 female 4'11 and 120 lbs and I need to loose about 20lbs and tone up a bit mostly just want to loose some weight for now. I Am go to be walking about 45 minutes everyday and also doing 15 sit-ups, 20 jumping jacks and 10 push ups daily if I can ... Also starting a diet.... I want to know opinions on which would be best for me anavar or clenbuterol ? and also any tips or suggestions ...
here is my diet

BREAKFAST- plain oatmeal with blueberries and green tea and 2 egg whites OR green tea and toast with low fat jam scraped on and two egg whites

SNACK-banana/unsalted nuts OR orange OR raw veggies

LUNCH -half chicken breast ir tapia with salad ( only teaspoon balsamic dressing ) and brown rice

SNACK-same as above

DINNER-chicken, salmon or tapia with salad or veggies and brown rice

SNACK-same as above
Question: Why do you think that taking Anavar would magically make you loose 17% your total body weight. ?

I'm not being an ass I'm genuinely curious why or how you think this is possible
Neither in my honest opinion. I'd take the money you were contemplating on spending and invest in a professional nutritionist - 3J just happens to be one and I'm 100% sure he'll get you the results you're looking for.

Those drugs DO have a place, but if you're not sure on how a diet should be run optimally, they're just a waste of money and time. You can find 3J in the diet subsection of the forums. I wouldn't recommend him if I hadn't seen results first-hand or with my wife as well.

Welcome to ology!

My .02c :)
Neither in my honest opinion. I'd take the money you were contemplating on spending and invest in a professional nutritionist - 3J just happens to be one and I'm 100% sure he'll get you the results you're looking for.

Those drugs DO have a place, but if you're not sure on how a diet should be run optimally, they're just a waste of money and time. You can find 3J in the diet subsection of the forums. I wouldn't recommend him if I hadn't seen results first-hand or with my wife as well.

Welcome to ology!

My .02c :)

Compounds help cut but you need the nutrition. You can effectively cut running test e and deca which people call a bulk cycle. Keep estraidol in check and diet on point and you will cut no matter what you run.
Compounds help cut but you need the nutrition. You can effectively cut running test e and deca which people call a bulk cycle. Keep estraidol in check and diet on point and you will cut no matter what you run.

I don't think a female is going to run a cycle like that
Okay so I am 24 female 4'11 and 120 lbs and I need to loose about 20lbs and tone up a bit mostly just want to loose some weight for now. I Am go to be walking about 45 minutes everyday and also doing 15 sit-ups, 20 jumping jacks and 10 push ups daily if I can ... Also starting a diet.... I want to know opinions on which would be best for me anavar or clenbuterol ? and also any tips or suggestions ...
here is my diet

BREAKFAST- plain oatmeal with blueberries and green tea and 2 egg whites OR green tea and toast with low fat jam scraped on and two egg whites

SNACK-banana/unsalted nuts OR orange OR raw veggies

LUNCH -half chicken breast ir tapia with salad ( only teaspoon balsamic dressing ) and brown rice

SNACK-same as above

DINNER-chicken, salmon or tapia with salad or veggies and brown rice

SNACK-same as above

No need, if u were my girl, I'd have u use an "eca stack" if u are dead set on taking something, the ingredients can be obtained legally. Let me know, I could pm u and help u with that.

I think u should focus on adopting a fitness lifestyle, not just doing a "diet". But I think overall ur strategy seems pretty good, def don't take anavar; and clen I have heard can make u feel shitty.
Holy fuck just realized this. Just run the var and concentrate on diet and cardio. You will not lose too much muscle while cutting fat.

Lol why run the var? Isn't var for muscle preservation? Do u think this girl really has any muscle to preserve? "4'11 and 120 lbs and I need to loose about 20lbs"

I disagree with u here tury...
Lol why run the var? Isn't var for muscle preservation? Do u think this girl really has any muscle to preserve? "4'11 and 120 lbs and I need to loose about 20lbs"

I disagree with u here tury...

Preserve her muscle while cutting down. This will make her be able to stay toned while cutting. Women like to run var for hardness. Trying to go from 120 tp 100 will be difficult but why not keep most gains while cutting. The fastest way would be to starve yourself completely at 500 kcals a day, but that's dangerous and will not yield a nice physique. 5mg of var daily will preserve her mass well for a cut but 20 pounds seems like a reach. Why do you say that var is not good for a female looking to cut?

Maybe given her experience and weight she should not use anything because she thinks these things are "magic pills". But for a woman with quality muscle under some fat seeking to cut var works well. Op does not indicate a bf% so maybe she shoulx not ru anything for now, but I gave a suggestion based on the few facts that she gave.
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Read original post again and op does not need drugs she needs training and diet. Contact 3j for help with your goals and you will be better off than buying gear. You don't need steroids or clen at this point. Disregard my previous posts it is late and I am not thinking right.
Clenbuterol would be the one that would burn fat - but I do not recommend it at
this point... what I do recommend is investing into 3J for your best and optimal results.

Not only will you achieve the results you are looking for... you will also become
an expert on the proper diet and nutrition - and I don't mean the diet and nutrition
that most of us "think" is a proper diet.

You will also learn the - "tricks, tips and techniques" - that most people will never have
a clue that they even exist.

Here's a link to get you started.
I agree you need a good healthy eating plan. But I was just searching this subject last night for my wife. I did a search for anavar and women or similar and thru reading a few pages foumd a cutting cycle outlined for women. It had clen week 1-4, then 4-12 adding in anavar, and 9-12 adding in nolvadex. Hgh was ran the whole time but isn't a necessity.

You could probably search clen and anavar cycle for women and found it within top 10 of your search return.
I agree you need a good healthy eating plan. But I was just searching this subject last night for my wife. I did a search for anavar and women or similar and thru reading a few pages foumd a cutting cycle outlined for women. It had clen week 1-4, then 4-12 adding in anavar, and 9-12 adding in nolvadex. Hgh was ran the whole time but isn't a necessity.

You could probably search clen and anavar cycle for women and found it within top 10 of your search return.

Sounds like utter shit to me. Women don't need a SERM like we do, and it can cause them issues in fact. Not picking on you at all, but I'd stay away from ANY cycle found on Google; especially when written by a guy guessing whatever women can take.

Diet first and foremost. That applies whether you have a penis or vagina. ;)
I was curious about the nolvadex but haven't started looking why they included it yet. I haven't read the rules in a while so I won't post a link to it since I'm not sure if it breaks a rule or not. Actually I just looked back at it and based on the web address, it seems odd there would be cycle advice in there. I haven't looked at much else in the website.
ec stack is better. clen and those drugs are mainly bodybuilding drugs if ur planning to compete. using them randomly will just damage ur body for no reason
Okay so I am 24 female 4'11 and 120 lbs and I need to loose about 20lbs and tone up a bit mostly just want to loose some weight for now. I Am go to be walking about 45 minutes everyday and also doing 15 sit-ups, 20 jumping jacks and 10 push ups daily if I can ... Also starting a diet.... I want to know opinions on which would be best for me anavar or clenbuterol ? and also any tips or suggestions ...
here is my diet

BREAKFAST- plain oatmeal with blueberries and green tea and 2 egg whites OR green tea and toast with low fat jam scraped on and two egg whites

SNACK-banana/unsalted nuts OR orange OR raw veggies

LUNCH -half chicken breast ir tapia with salad ( only teaspoon balsamic dressing ) and brown rice

SNACK-same as above

DINNER-chicken, salmon or tapia with salad or veggies and brown rice

SNACK-same as above

honestly, if you are my girlfriend, my sister, or my daughter - and you have set some fitness goals - i would tell you to hire 3j's and have him walk you through how to diet down and get in the shape you want to be in

once he has taught you how to eat properly in order to attain your goals, that will be lifelong knowledge that you can live by that will improve the quality of your life, for the rest of your life...

good luck, welcome to ology
Take it from me fat loss is slow as fuck when you dont diet down lol i hate being in calorie deficit but if you have muscle definitely wsnt something to preserve it. Im barely starting to research i think its way past time i do a good cut my first actually