And for the big New Years News.......Euro-Pharmacies releases TRESTOLONE ACETATE

No problems here I've never ran tren so I cant compare the 2 for you but no issues here as for the ai I just took .5 adex every 3 days
No high e2\e7 sides at all

That's good to know thanks. I would like to give it a try during my cut.
Hey solider yea I definitely did see some good results still clean bulking
Probably the first month 2 months were great gained about 10 pounds with very little fat gain but towards the end of the cycle the place I was working at shut down lost my job so I wasn't spending as much on food and my training routine suffered a bit then picked up a bit of work started training and eating at 100 percent again then busted and old shoulder injury at work lol so I was running a trt dose of ment for the remaining time . Even with all this I kept about 5 pounds of the gains I made my diet has been shit to be truthful and my shoulder is still busted just doing what I can in regards to lifting so all up results could have been better but that was my fault not the gear

That sux man. You don't really realize how much shoulders come into play until you hurt one. Hopefully smooth recovery there bro.
I've been running ment for months no test base felt great all it would take was the wind to change and I've have a full blown hard on love the stuff no problems with e2 or actually in ments case it e7 its good stuff daily injections are a bit of a pain and cost compared to test but I'm glad I gave it a go back to test for me though just ran out

Get a*blood test done and lets see your test level in the body. I am curious, I would love to be able to just run my test at the level*my doctor wants and blast with ment.

Sorry about all the asterisks, my keyboard is broken and it sends invisible asterisks to the screen that only show up after I hit post. Not kidding!
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Get a*blood test done and lets see your test level in the body. I am curious, I would love to be able to just run my test at the level*my doctor wants and blast with ment.

Sorry about all the asterisks, my keyboard is broken and it sends invisible asterisks to the screen that only show up after I hit post. Not kidding!

I'm from Australia brother bloods are harder to get than the gear itself but ill see what I can do
Just a guess but id say they would be low or non existent they boys have lost a lot of size and well its trest not test I'm injecting id say bloods wouldn't show up anything in regards to elevated test for your doctor because its not test lol just a guess though
From my experience.....ment definitely does aromatize. Can't say to what degree because I did not get blood work but I definitely had to up my AI dose when adding it. I am very sensitive to e2 (emotional, moody, water retention, BP) and I didn't notice any serious e2 side effects, but again I upped my ai dose.
Does anyone know if Ment/trest , is a compound that greatly increases your RBC / hct , Like Deca and Eq does ? have you had blood work to confirm this ?

I've been on 50mg of Ment daily, its only been about 10 days on . and the good news , pumps are great (but not painful like Dbo) its more a sense of fullness, like the ment is really helping drive glycogen, water and blood into the muscle . I also don't feel 'toxic' like i do on Tren .

BUT , my sleep apnea is back, I'm starting to get claustrophobia when laying down, some anxiety and trouble breathing or catching my breath . this is what happens when my RBC/hct spikes in the really high range (or if I bulk too quickly). I've not got blood work , again its only been 10 days on Ment . IF ment does greatly increase RBC, then I'll know why I feel this way.
I'm going to go donate blood next week, and get blood work done. but just wondering if any of you guys know about RBC and Ment . its a 19nor like deca and tren, so I'm guessing it does do this, but man its even doing this way quicker then deca does if so
Does anyone know if Ment/trest , is a compound that greatly increases your RBC / hct , Like Deca and Eq does ? have you had blood work to confirm this ?

I've been on 50mg of Ment daily, its only been about 10 days on . and the good news , pumps are great (but not painful like Dbo) its more a sense of fullness, like the ment is really helping drive glycogen, water and blood into the muscle . I also don't feel 'toxic' like i do on Tren .

BUT , my sleep apnea is back, I'm starting to get claustrophobia when laying down, some anxiety and trouble breathing or catching my breath . this is what happens when my RBC/hct spikes in the really high range (or if I bulk too quickly). I've not got blood work , again its only been 10 days on Ment . IF ment does greatly increase RBC, then I'll know why I feel this way.
I'm going to go donate blood next week, and get blood work done. but just wondering if any of you guys know about RBC and Ment . its a 19nor like deca and tren, so I'm guessing it does do this, but man its even doing this way quicker then deca does if so

roush, I'm pretty sure you can do theroputic phlebotomy to lower hemocrat levels. Just according to some Google searches. Maybe you wouldn't have to comeall the off again. Jus say in bro. Could be wromg tho.
roush, I'm pretty sure you can do theroputic phlebotomy to lower hemocrat levels. Just according to some Google searches. Maybe you wouldn't have to comeall the off again. Jus say in bro. Could be wromg tho.

yeah I donated blood 2 months ago, did a double plasma donation . so I'm due again to donate and will be going in tuesday. But one donation may lower hct by only 1-2% . so if I'm at 58, that would really only get me down to 57 . not near enough . however coming completely off everything plus doing phlebotomy on top of it can drop me a good 7-10% (depends on how long I'm off)
I'll just have to get bloods done and see where I'm at. If I come off completely for a bit though , i've got a new cruising protocol I'll be trying out with HGH, Slin, Peptides, and Sarms , see if I can hold onto my size while off cycle
Eh, just wanted to let ya know as I figure all the way off can't be fun. Is the most you should donate or blood let once every three months?? Good luck tho bro.
Does anyone know if Ment/trest , is a compound that greatly increases your RBC / hct , Like Deca and Eq does ? have you had blood work to confirm this ?

I've been on 50mg of Ment daily, its only been about 10 days on . and the good news , pumps are great (but not painful like Dbo) its more a sense of fullness, like the ment is really helping drive glycogen, water and blood into the muscle . I also don't feel 'toxic' like i do on Tren .

BUT , my sleep apnea is back, I'm starting to get claustrophobia when laying down, some anxiety and trouble breathing or catching my breath . this is what happens when my RBC/hct spikes in the really high range (or if I bulk too quickly). I've not got blood work , again its only been 10 days on Ment . IF ment does greatly increase RBC, then I'll know why I feel this way.
I'm going to go donate blood next week, and get blood work done. but just wondering if any of you guys know about RBC and Ment . its a 19nor like deca and tren, so I'm guessing it does do this, but man its even doing this way quicker then deca does if so

Ment is derived from nandrolone (deca) so it wouldn't surprise me if that's the case man but I haven't done bloods on it so I cant help with solid proof
Ok I figured I'd let this hang over your heads for a few days but some of you figured it out way too quickly.

So without further ado, I present to you Euro-Pharmacies' latest and by far GREATEST addition to their product line.....

TRESTOLONE ACETATE otherwise known as MENT has an anabolic/androgenic ratio of 2300/650! Compare that to Testosterone and Trenbolone and you'll find that MENT completely destroys the competition.

Anabolic/Androgenic ratios
Trestolone (Ment): 2300/650
Trenbolone: 500/500
Testosterone: 100/100


Chemical Name:Trestolone acetate
Comes In: 10ml vial - 50 mg/ml
Dosage: 50mg-100mg /EOD
Active time: 2 days
Class:Anabolic/Androgenic Steroid

I was actually lucky enough to run some MENT over a year ago on a bulker. Wrote a short review on my experience. I can only imagine EP's Trestolone will be even better :) (My Trest Ace review below)

awesome news joz, ! and that was a great LOG/REVIEW.
Im sure euro-pharmacies out did themselves yet again.
Does anyone know if Ment/trest , is a compound that greatly increases your RBC / hct , Like Deca and Eq does ? have you had blood work to confirm this ?

I've been on 50mg of Ment daily, its only been about 10 days on . and the good news , pumps are great (but not painful like Dbo) its more a sense of fullness, like the ment is really helping drive glycogen, water and blood into the muscle . I also don't feel 'toxic' like i do on Tren .

BUT , my sleep apnea is back, I'm starting to get claustrophobia when laying down, some anxiety and trouble breathing or catching my breath . this is what happens when my RBC/hct spikes in the really high range (or if I bulk too quickly). I've not got blood work , again its only been 10 days on Ment . IF ment does greatly increase RBC, then I'll know why I feel this way.
I'm going to go donate blood next week, and get blood work done. but just wondering if any of you guys know about RBC and Ment . its a 19nor like deca and tren, so I'm guessing it does do this, but man its even doing this way quicker then deca does if so
Yes it certainly does to a pretty large degree. I've never been above 52 on or off cycle for HCT. A month after running trest I was at 55 HCT. Not conclusive....but definitely indicates trest being a pretty big elevator of RBC and HCT.
yeah I donated blood 2 months ago, did a double plasma donation . so I'm due again to donate and will be going in tuesday. But one donation may lower hct by only 1-2% . so if I'm at 58, that would really only get me down to 57 . not near enough . however coming completely off everything plus doing phlebotomy on top of it can drop me a good 7-10% (depends on how long I'm off)
I'll just have to get bloods done and see where I'm at. If I come off completely for a bit though , i've got a new cruising protocol I'll be trying out with HGH, Slin, Peptides, and Sarms , see if I can hold onto my size while off cycle
You did double plasma? Or double Red Blood Cell? Just donating plasma will increase HCT whereas donating cells will reduce it.
Yes it certainly does to a pretty large degree. I've never been above 52 on or off cycle for HCT. A month after running trest I was at 55 HCT. Not conclusive....but definitely indicates trest being a pretty big elevator of RBC and HCT.

You did double plasma? Or double Red Blood Cell? Just donating plasma will increase HCT whereas donating cells will reduce it.

this is good to know about Ment , I definitely like the compound thus far . but may have to restrict it to only really short terms blasts. reason i don't run deca anymore is because of rbc issues , though I will do shorter term blasts of NPP.

well shit i need to find out , don't remember if it was platlets or plasma. My hemoglobin was high last time i went in to donate blood and she recommended that I do the donation that I did which would help lower it . if it was plasma then that would not be true then ?
this is good to know about Ment , I definitely like the compound thus far . but may have to restrict it to only really short terms blasts. reason i don't run deca anymore is because of rbc issues , though I will do shorter term blasts of NPP.

well shit i need to find out , don't remember if it was platlets or plasma. My hemoglobin was high last time i went in to donate blood and she recommended that I do the donation that I did which would help lower it . if it was plasma then that would not be true then ?

Well there's platelets....which usually takes a couple hours.

Then there's plasma which they take the plasma alone and leave the blood cells....this would have no lowering effect on RBC and will increase HCT most likely as there is less plasma resulting in more RBC per unit of plasma.

Then there's whole blood which is just taking blood, plasma and cells together.

Then there's double blood where they take your blood, separate it from the plasma, and return the plasma back to you. They do this twice which removes twice as many RBC's as whole blood but you keep the plasma.
Well there's platelets....which usually takes a couple hours.

Then there's plasma which they take the plasma alone and leave the blood cells....this would have no lowering effect on RBC and will increase HCT most likely as there is less plasma resulting in more RBC per unit of plasma.

Then there's whole blood which is just taking blood, plasma and cells together.

Then there's double blood where they take your blood, separate it from the plasma, and return the plasma back to you. They do this twice which removes twice as many RBC's as whole blood but you keep the plasma.

great thanks for the info . yeah i think it was a double blood . i did not get needles in each arm , just one arm . they took the blood out and it went into a machine with a couple of bags hooked to it , then after it was done drawing blood it would send something back into my vein (which was cold) . it would repeat this process several times. there was definitely a bag full of blood , so I'm assuming it was not just a plasma donation .
first time i ever opted for this, as i normally just do a whole blood donation.

i should go for blood work and see where my hct is at having ran tren for 6 weeks and then jumping on the Ment. definitely feel my RBC is way up there now
Well there's platelets....which usually takes a couple hours.

Then there's plasma which they take the plasma alone and leave the blood cells....this would have no lowering effect on RBC and will increase HCT most likely as there is less plasma resulting in more RBC per unit of plasma.

Then there's whole blood which is just taking blood, plasma and cells together.

Then there's double blood where they take your blood, separate it from the plasma, and return the plasma back to you. They do this twice which removes twice as many RBC's as whole blood but you keep the plasma.

What, do u just ask the nurse at the blood bank to draw double blood if that is what you want??? Or something else?
What, do u just ask the nurse at the blood bank to draw double blood if that is what you want??? Or something else?

if they have the machine there then yeah just ask . or you may need to call around and look up local blood drives that have the machine to do it