AndroHard Cutting Stacks w/ Before & After pics

Dear Ology,

Ready to get cut for summer?

Perfect timing. We’ve put together some great cutting stacks with our most popular products. Plus we are giving a BIG discount on AndroHard. Check it out...

The Fat Loss Stack (FLS) is the base of all fat loss stacks.

Low calorie diets can waste away muscle and eventually put fat loss to a halt. The FLS kicks the metabolism into fat burning mode and helps spare muscle.

The FLS combines 3 products –

DermaTherm Target – This site specific cream releases stored fat anywhere you apply it, so you can control where your weight loss comes from. It sounds like a complete scam, but it’s not. The legitimacy of this cream is backed up by several human studies. (1-4) I used this product in my last 8-week cutting cycle and I contribute much of my increased abs definition from it. Results take about 6-8 weeks to become obvious. (1-4) Checkout the before and after pics at the bottom.

CLA (Conjugated Linoleic Acid) – 100% naturally occurring fatty acid. Proven to reduce fat mass and prevent muscle loss from low calorie diets. (6-8) Our CLA is lab tested to contain the same isomers used in the human studies. Safe and proven. (6-8)

Green Tea – Contains a clinically proven dose of EGCG to enhance fat loss 2x over your regular metabolic rate. (9-12) We use only the purest and highest quality green tea available in the world -- Sourced from India and 100% pesticide free. Ramp up the metabolism and improve health with this dual-action metabolic booster and anti-oxidant.​

AndroHard is the 2nd key factor in the Cutting stacks.

AndroHard – This 100% natural steroid will enhance muscle hardness and vascularity without harsh side-effects. It is a pro-hormone to DHT (dihydrotestosterone). DHT is an ultra-powerful androgen that will shrink fat cells and eliminate water retention. AndroHard has no estrogen conversion and no risk of gyno. In fact, research suggests it may help reverse gyno. (13-16) A short 4-6 week cycle of AndroHard alone is minimally suppressive and does not require PCT.*

*Although PCT is not necessary after using AndroHard, it will still be beneficial to ensure the fastest recovery of natural testosterone production after the cycle. For more information about PCT, visit our health forum - Primordial Health - Primordial Performance Discussion Forums

Cutting Stack
Fat Loss Stack + AndroHard
8 week total cycle length



This stack is perfect for the more natural trainer who doesn’t want to use anything severely suppressive to natural hormone production. AndroHard provides mild anabolic support to help prevent muscle loss during a low calorie diet.

Combining this stack with a low calorie diet will assist in lowering body fat faster than dieting alone. We highly recommend a ketogenic diet (low carb) for the best fat loss results.

Cutting cycle benefits –

  • Makes dieting 2-3x more effective at reducing body fat
  • Reduces water retention and bloat under the skin
  • Virtually zero side effects**

**Those extremely prone to male pattern baldness may noticed increased hair shedding while using AndroHard.

Advanced Cutting Stack
Dermacrine Muscle Stack + Fat Loss Stack + AndroHard
10 week total cycle length



This stack is perfect for the more advanced trainer who wants to aggressively cut calories for fat loss, without sacrificing muscle. In addition to AndroHard, this stack provides more anabolic support with Dermacrine to help maintain and tone pre-existing muscle mass. The Dermacrine Muscle Stack provides the full required Post Cycle Therapy (PCT).

Combining this stack with a low calorie diet will assist in lowering body fat faster than dieting alone. We highly recommend a ketogenic diet (low carb) for the best fat loss results.

Cutting cycle benefits –

  • Protects against catabolic muscle loss
  • Makes dieting 2-4x more effective at reducing body fat
  • Reduces water retention and bloat under the skin
  • Minimal side effects**

**Those extremely prone to male pattern baldness may noticed increased hair shedding while using AndroHard. Dermacrine may cause anxiety or insomnia in less active individuals.

Ultra-Advanced Cutting Stack
Turinabol Muscle Stack + Fat Loss Stack + AndroHard
12 week total cycle length



This stack is perfect for the ultra-advanced trainer who wants to aggressively cut calories for fat loss, while simultaneously gaining muscle mass and strength. Turinabol provides powerful anabolic support to increase nutrient retention in lean muscle while stripping away body fat. The Turinabol muscle stack provides the full required Post Cycle Therapy (PCT) and liver protection.

Turinabol is our most powerful legal pro-steroid. The active ingredient is chlordehydromethylandrostenediol (4-chloro-17a-methyl-androst-1,4-diene-3b, 17b-diol), which converts to chlordehydromethyltestosterone, also known as Oral Turinabol. Oral Turinabol is popular for its quality lean mass gains similar to Anavar or Winstrol.

To learn more about Turinabol - Visit the official Turinabol (Halodrol) Steroid Profile

Combining this stack with a low calorie diet will assist in lowering body fat faster than dieting alone. We highly recommend a ketogenic diet (low carb) for the best fat loss results.

Cutting cycle benefits –

  • Increases muscle size and vascularity
  • Protects against catabolic muscle loss
  • Makes dieting 3-4x more effective at reducing body fat
  • Dramatically reduces water retention and bloat under the skin
  • Low side effects**

**Those extremely prone to male pattern baldness may noticed increased hair shedding while using AndroHard. Turinabol may have a negative effect on cholesterol levels and liver health. Follow the recommended guidelines for the Turinabol Muscle Stack to avoid possible side effects.

Head over to now to take advantage of these deals

Save $20 on AndroHard when purchased alone

Save $30 on AndroHard when purchased with the FLS

Get AndroHard FREE when purchased with the FLS and Dermacrine Muscle Stack

Get AndroHard FREE when purchased with the FLS and Turinabol Muscle Stack

Plus, any order over $75 is eligible for FREE FedEx shipping (within the US).

No coupon required. Just add the items to the cart.
Valid until 8-1-2010​

Thank you loyal Primordial fans!

Eric Potratz
Primordial Founder & President


Phone – 1-800-568-2924

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Primordial Performance LLC
13331 NE Whitaker Way
Portland OR 97230

Before & after photos of real people -





References –

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