Andrologist told me to cut off supplements


New member
Hi guys!

So I got my blood checked and as I have been cycling since I was about 18 I was pretty concerned with my test levels and permanent side effects as this is way too young to start of. I went to several doctor's, first of all the urogolist for my sperm and this was allright. So a couple of days ago I went to the andrologist where I explained that I have started TRT with HCG on my own because I was feeling the effects of low testosterone.(in hope of getting prescriped test tbh). He basically said everything was reversible and he will normally get my levels straight. Now he told me to stop the TRT and just up the HCG dosage and take some tamoxifen.

the problem is that I told him bodybuilding was still important to me and the muscle gain as well, he basically told me he doesn't care about that and I have to stop every single thing. With every single thing I mean all my supplements: creatine, bcaa, whey, preworkout; even my multivitamine.

I understand only my health is his concern not my fitnessgoals, but got no explanation why I had to cut all my supplements off. Can't see their relation towards my test levels.
I really need them, especially my whey moneywise.

Big story short I just wanted to know why he told me to cut them off :p
He can check to see you're not taking test, he can't know if/what supplements you're taking.

There's no logic in banning "supplements" as a categorie because there're so many different types that have different effects on the body. Keep taking all your sups; preworkout is probably unhealthy, but the rest won't hurt.
It's because he does want to deal with you second guessing what he is trying to do and he doesn't know what t he effects are of the supplements you are taking. He is right at 18 it should be reversible. the supplements mentioned should not effect recovery.

He is having you do a basic Post Cycle therapy without supplements.
if you want to be sure and be back to normal (possibly) then drop all hormones, follow the HCG and SERM use and getbloods checked while on and when off the hcg/serm for 2-3 months to see where your levels are at.
I wouldent cut off the basic supps though. i think he just wants to be sure you cut all the shit out, there are alot of shady supps out there sold as supps but having other crap in there when it comes to bbing supps. but vitamins and protein i wouldent cut out IMO
did you cut out all your supplements yet? buy alot of fruits, veggies and meats and adjust your diet to make up for the loses.