Andromass write up

You and me both, also have someone that has been on Hormone Replacement Therapy (HRT) for a long time running the new AH, who can compare to the old.

Old guys should love dht, well assuming he is old since he is on hrt, or just young and lucky lol.
Were you cutting though? The question there would be did you see any strength loss? Certainly will have strength increases if recomping or bulking. Ideally the most you can hope for in a cut is keeping strength, which is also a good indicator of retaining LBM.

I cut back on my calories and I didnt notice a drop in strength at all. Good call on mentioning that.
So as soon as the andromass ships I'm going to be getting a log going of an 8 weeker, figure I'd give this stuff a fair shot. Hoping things ship soon.
Just the AM?

Yes sir, only andromass, at the recommended dosage. I've used test solo at 500mg before, will compare it for sure. I was going to do test/eq coming up but I was short a few bottles in my order so things got put back, by the time I get my product in I'll already be able to start with the andromass, if I'm not feeling anything or noticing gains I will just jump into that cycle as planned. I see that with androlean and hard that people are noticing results/feeling it within a week, same to be expected with andromass I assume?
Yes sir, only andromass, at the recommended dosage. I've used test solo at 500mg before, will compare it for sure. I was going to do test/eq coming up but I was short a few bottles in my order so things got put back, by the time I get my product in I'll already be able to start with the andromass, if I'm not feeling anything or noticing gains I will just jump into that cycle as planned. I see that with androlean and hard that people are noticing results/feeling it within a week, same to be expected with andromass I assume?

I would project so. Interested in your comparison to Test.
I used test p solo for 8 weeks, I feel that the quicker to kicking in propionate ester would be better to compare the feel, although the comparisons say to equivalent doses to test e, but really results wise in the end it shouldn't matter.
I used test p solo for 8 weeks, I feel that the quicker to kicking in propionate ester would be better to compare the feel, although the comparisons say to equivalent doses to test e, but really results wise in the end it shouldn't matter.

The comparison is simple the ester attached to both, however the AndroSeries acts similar to prop
When you add in Androhard and possibly a strong methylated ph to kick start the cycle, id expect the results to be better than an actuall Test e. or Test p. cycle.. Do you guys agree?
Kick starting the andromass cycle? Why?

Well if Andromass really starts making a dent in the first week or two I wouldnt really see the need to. The kick start I guess is more of mental thing perhaps, but I tend to think they increase the likelyhood of retaining gains. Just food for thought..
Well if Andromass really starts making a dent in the first week or two I wouldnt really see the need to. The kick start I guess is more of mental thing perhaps, but I tend to think they increase the likelyhood of retaining gains. Just food for thought..

I may be adding a strong oral down the road, but certainly with the first run it will be solo. The great thing here is we can finally start getting away from these brutal methyls.