Androxine , test , primo cycle


New member
I will start this cycle in September . This is my 4th cycle Weight:180 pounds Bf:15. 38 years old . Androxine ( that's original) is tren suspension , what to do think about it? I got nolva and clomid for post cycle therapy (pct) , I will run 50mg tren,400mg primo and 500mg of test E/W for 10 weeks ,I will post every week results. tren every day one shot before workout ,primo 200mg monday and thurday and test the same like primo because i mix this to compounds .Thanks in advance for advice
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Today was may first shots .morning 250 mg of sustanon and 0.5 mg of tren, before workout no pain no cough, in the gym very focus and motivate,y drop the primo for the next cycle ,because not enought, I will post next week again the result , sorry and 30 mg of anabol split 3time per day.
Are you taking the tren subQ or IM shots preworkout. How are you liking the tren suspension..

I will take the tren IM injection preworkout, and till now no problem ,no pain , no side effect just very motivate and concentrate in the gym,and after one week on anabol y stop and I star masteron from alpha pharma ,for now just 10 days on cycle and y am happy I will put same picture before and after later on.
After 2 weeks on androxine and mastebolin I am very happy with the result may body shape change already ,I think this tren working very well, I gain around 2 kg till now.
Your primo may be low. I've read elsewhere that primo should be run at a higher dose. My next blast will be test, primo, and deca. Can't wait! End of November here I come!!
They say high doses of primo 700 mgs plus and it becomes almost tren like. (Since some of us can't have the anger and cardio impingement tren is rumoured to do)....