Another advantage of TRT ... for me anyway


55+ Old school lifter
Been on TRT for 3 years, 56 years old now, I do 80mg per week.. 18 months ago I stopped lifting due to a recurrent labrum tear in my right shoulder. 3rd time I had the issue, I figured it was time to stop lifting completely since PT and modified lifting did not help one bit.

I did keto to keep the weight down, but no lifting at all. I got smooth of course, but ... didn't lose a lot of size. I have to credit the TRT for keeping my size up.

3 months ago I re-started lifting and what size I lost is coming back like gangbusters. Thank God for Testosterone. (and IncreaseMyT :)
Awesome. I have my online conversation setup for the doctor tomorrow. Through IncreaseMyT , I can't wait to start my TRT.