Another dnp cycle..


New member
Hi everyone! I have just finnished a 16 week big bulk going from 168 10% to 210+ and gained alot of fat (damn to many social events:beertoast) so now i want to cut as much as possible in 6 weeks before i start a moderate bulk for 16 weeks.

age 24, 210+-2 bodyfat 20%(maybe more) but i'm not sure because of the bloat.

Because of the weather here it's very hard to do any cardio (i run outside because the gym is always crowded).
Long story sort i have a 6 week worth of dnp 250mg caps that i'm really tempted to run.

Plan is 250mg week 1 and 2 and if averything is ok bumping the dose to 500mg as long as i can.
If energy is a problem i have some eca left.
Diet will be a modified psmf style diet at 1800-1900cal depending on how i feel. 220gr of protein 150-200gr carbs from veggies oatmeal and fruit and whatever fat comes from protein sources plus 15gr of linseed oil.
No alcohol no smoking no drugs and shit..(and no social events thank god)
My training will stay the same but half the volume.

Only problem i have a mild case of rash that occurs when i scratch (mostly in very hot areas) and it looks very similar to what some dnp users have experienced from allergy.

Should i progress or it would be dangerous?
I have zyrtec(cetirizine) on hand and i will be taking 10mg before bed for the whole cycle.

Sorry for any grammatical errors but english is my second language.

Thanks in advance!
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Remember to stay really really hydrated, take your vitamins and stay cool. No need for excessive workouts or cardio.

Benedryl at night works but zyrtec should suffice

I would not stay on DNP for longer than 2 weeks at a time. Save that 6 weeks worth for a couple DNP cycles. Also I don't workout as frequent on DNP and use less weight higher reps short workouts
Remember to stay really really hydrated, take your vitamins and stay cool. No need for excessive workouts or cardio.

Benedryl at night works but zyrtec should suffice

I would not stay on DNP for longer than 2 weeks at a time. Save that 6 weeks worth for a couple DNP cycles. Also I don't workout as frequent on DNP and use less weight higher reps short workouts

Hey man thanks for the reply!

I don't really like the idea of an inferno short cycle (i thought that's the idea behind short cycles).

From what i have read long duration low dose cycles give better resaults and august is a good aportunity for me because averyone is on vacation and i can take a brake from social life.

I think i'll just go by how i here is not dnp friendly at all (95-100 all day) so if body temp becomes an isue i simply stop.

Currently i'm doing full body workouts eod with 2 day brake after the 4th session. I'll try to maintain that but if (or when) it gets to much i will cut back to 3 or 2 if necessary per week low volume as heavy as i can for 8-12 reps.

As for cardio i only do about 45 minutes very low intensity after my workouts. Just enough to say that i do cardio..
Water intake is about 2 gallons and i dont have a problem increasing it.

Thanks again.
I wanted to run t3 because of the length of the cycle but i dont think it's necessary.
Anyway i might try it after 3rd week at 50mcg ed but for now it's dnp only.
Yeah the reason I like shorter cycles is because you don't need to supplement T3.

ALso who wants to be on dnp for a month? a week is hard enough lol. The main reason why I think shorter cycles are better is because DNP lyses cells and causes "cell suicide" basically.

ATP is required for life. I heard somewhere that the longer you are on DNP the more likely you are to suffer long term side effects.

IMO a short 5-10 day cycle with 200mg first 3 days then 400mg the next 3-7 days and you should see good weight loss. Combined with a small amount of cardio, a good cutting diet with basically same carbs/protein/fats should show really good results. and taking 400mg is pretty low dose for 2 weeks or less.

"Because of the weather here it's very hard to do any cardio (i run outside because the gym is always crowded)."

sounds like an excuse to me. Trust me I know a crowded gym but i still get my cardio in..
End of day 2 today. Well can't say anything atm.
I'm feeling warm but it's normal. Only thing i noticed is somewhat loose stools.

sounds like an excuse to me. Trust me I know a crowded gym but i still get my cardio in..

well i'm not going to lie's a bit of an excuse but not overall.

I'm sure you know a crowded gym but the problem here is that every Fin summer there are swarms of people that want to get "ripped" for the beach. The good thing is they are mostly chicks..the bad thing is they mostly do cardio 24/7.

I can do cardio after midnight or really early in the morning and i still do some LISS after my workouts (because i live about 3miles from the gym) but now i dont feel like pushing it cardio wise..i was hiting the gym like crazy for 14 months non stop doing fasted HIT 3 times a week plus 6 days of lifting with a perfect clean diet and the last couple of months i feel a litle i went off on the diet part and gained to much fat.

Believe me i'm not the kind of guy who looks for quick fixes but atm i needed a boost and something to get back on track.

As for the cycle i am going to keep an open timeframe and quit when i feel that i can't take it any more. In this heat and from what i have read i give myself about 10-14 days max.

I think there is a mechanism that prevents the mitochondria from full atp depletion. If you are depleted from ATP then you are basicaly in a state called Rigor Mortis and you are dead long before it happens so i dont think this is the case with dnp. But i hear you on the side effects. neuropathies,loss of taste,cataracts etc...scary compound for sure

I really appreciate what you are saying though and thanks.
Mid day 4 today. still on 250mg crystal powder every 24 hours.

Definetely i feel hotter but it's pretty mild.

Yesterday was a little harder to sleep cause of the heat and zyrtek didn't help much. No sweats though only a couple hot flashes during the day.

Sister and some friends asked if i had lost weight. Now normaly i weight myself every Monday morning but i was tempted to see if there was any difference.

Day 1 201
Day 3 193.6

I'm sure it's water and glygogen though because i'm low to no carb atm. (actualy i'm doing RFL to speed up the proccess until i up the dose where i will udjust carbs for sure.)

I'm flat,feeling somewhat depleted and because yesterday i killed it with the squats today i need a spotter just to sit on the toilet.

Also Surprize from my parents! They decided to not leave the house for the summer!

Is it to much if i up the dose with them in the house or should i abandon the cycle?

I'm asking because i can explain the sweats but the yellow eyes that come from the higher doses.. i'm in for an awkward situation
Ha! I'll just let my imagination paint the picture!

Eyes glowing yellow behind the glasses..sweating buckets and pissing radioactive waste while being pumped after doing a load of supersets...

Looking like a supermutant AND loosing fat!
Well as of today i'm through with the cycle..atleast for august.

Lower back pain that seems to worsen,family is all over the place,summer heat wave knocking on the door,having to quit my job (in order to avoid killing my boss) and trying to cope with a serius compound that requires some dedication is to much..for me atleast

Weight today is 190

Down 10lbs in 5 days with a very restrictive almost no carb diet and 80 minutes of LISS cardio and 250mg DNP. Hope there is some fat loss and not only water.
Shit works for sure but this is a bad time for me to push it with DNP.

Now it's time work on other priorities.
Very nice. Don't focus too much about weight loss during because I lost over 10 lbs but a few days after I was done I gained 3-5 lbs back due to glycogen and water changes.

Still 10lbs is good for less than 1 week. Keep it up and stay safe. If you are having issues at work lower dnp dose. I usually stay at 400mg then if I need to do something important the next day I either skip a dose or only do 200mg. The nice thing about dnp is its in your system for 2-4 days so you can afford to skip a day to do important stuff. Also try taking dose towards end of work shift so by the next day you will not have much side effects.

Another thing I would say is don't be afraid to eat some carbs. When you eat carbs on dnp the dnp will block atp production and go straight for fat stores for energy. Basically eating some carbs makes it easier on your body because you will have mad carb cravings if you don't.
Very nice. Don't focus too much about weight loss during because I lost over 10 lbs but a few days after I was done I gained 3-5 lbs back due to glycogen and water changes.

Still 10lbs is good for less than 1 week. Keep it up and stay safe. If you are having issues at work lower dnp dose. I usually stay at 400mg then if I need to do something important the next day I either skip a dose or only do 200mg. The nice thing about dnp is its in your system for 2-4 days so you can afford to skip a day to do important stuff. Also try taking dose towards end of work shift so by the next day you will not have much side effects.

Another thing I would say is don't be afraid to eat some carbs. When you eat carbs on dnp the dnp will block atp production and go straight for fat stores for energy. Basically eating some carbs makes it easier on your body because you will have mad carb cravings if you don't.

I'm not really concerned about weight numbers as i cut but i was curius because people around me noticed i looked smaller.
Yesterday i had a refeed and today i'm actual fat loss was around 1-2 lbs. Still 0.5 lb a day at a low dose.

I really wanted to up the dose because at 250mg (actual 170ish) i wasn't feeling any of the sides. You are right about the carbs.. I had some cranberries and goji berries with my cottage cheese but that was all of my carbs for the day..the no carb is killing me.

No problem at work. Actualy now i'm unemployed...
My back doesn't feel very good so i have to stay off the weights to be safe.
Also two days after the last cap i have a huge zit next to my left eye. My dermatologist said this is not normal and i have to take medication before we consider surgery!

So for now OP is fat,has acne,is unemployed,cant workout properly...jeez wat's next? a truck full of beer and icecream is going to crush into my room?

I just look forward to my next cycle with full supplement support and some free space..if i dont have any condition with my back i think mid september. Thanks again man.
Was wondering if anyone could help me out? Got a couple of questions and have been following this particular board for a while. Needed a couple of pointers. Hit me up via email looking for recent users like hamlet Or josh