another example of not understand the science or diet

Guys I worked with allpro-athletes and I've been at this for more than half of most of your lives. I'm telling you the hard gainers are hard gainers because they don't understand how to eat to grow. Eating is harder that training. That's the hidden secrete that know one will tell you. Planing to eat every 2.5 hrs a day isn't easy. Try eating 400 grams of protein every day.

Eating gets easier with experience.
At first it may seem complicated, but after a period of a few months it should become routine.

Tupperware, and cold meat have become my friend. And no matter what other foods I eat I always have 6 to 8oz. of meat with it. Even if it's pizza night.
if you use to break your genetic platue, sure slowly you will go back down but can slow it down with proper diet and trainning.
but most can keep on most fo ther mass.
and when you get older and if you go on hrt and you can keep all your gains for the most part with a slightly higher hrt with the right diet and trainning.
im sorry 5X10 but your wrong in most of your staments.

but beleve what you want you obviosly want to.
Guys I worked with allpro-athletes and I've been at this for more than half of most of your lives. I'm telling you the hard gainers are hard gainers because they don't understand how to eat to grow. Eating is harder that training. That's the hidden secrete that know one will tell you. Planing to eat every 2.5 hrs a day isn't easy. Try eating 400 grams of protein every day.

im not a hard gainer, never have been
ive always been able to grow, but leaning up is the most difficult for me
ive trained for 17 yrs, was able to compete college nationals in powerlifitng, in college, i was lucky enough to train with a bodybuilder. he has trained with branch warren in southlake and even ronnie once

he tought us the same, eat every 2-3 hours
his rule was, eat whatever you want after you have eaten 2 chicken breasts(except for getting ready for a show)
ive eaten 10-12 chicken breasts a day for a couple of months before i just got sick of it

but, i was easily my most strongest when i ate all the time(and had the time to be dedicated 100% to it), even stronger than i am now(after 2 cycles)
which tells me exactly the same thing applies to the diet as does the hormones

btw, thanks for the title change!
logically thinking, why would people use aas if they wouldnt keep a noticeable amount of their gains??? just to maybe fuck up their bodies for the rest of the life? hmm maybe to speed up their balding head... yeah idk. if that were the case then every person on this website is a fucking idiot.
your telling me you achieved those reuslts with hormones alone? meaning no change in point exactly, take the guy i quoted right above you

Of course I made sure that my diet was in check, I'm training.

I'm not sure I understand where you're coming from with all of this.

If you think that all it takes is a syringe to make gains then you're way off. To make progress in anything you need to work. Period.

I work hard in the gym, I am aware of how and what I eat. As a result, I make quality gains that exist post PCT.

If you can't keep gains that means that you either do not know how to train properly, or how to eat properly, or not conduct a proper PCT, or how to train and eat properly after PCT, or any combination of the above.
logically thinking, why would people use aas if they wouldnt keep a noticeable amount of their gains??? just to maybe fuck up their bodies for the rest of the life? hmm maybe to speed up their balding head... yeah idk. if that were the case then every person on this website is a fucking idiot.

How do you "fuck up" your body with steroids? I won't call it extreme if my levels didn't get back up, I'd just go on testosterone replacement therapy (TRT). No big deal. I put up with women for so long, I can put up with taking shots in my ass for longer.
Of course I made sure that my diet was in check, I'm training.

I'm not sure I understand where you're coming from with all of this.

If you think that all it takes is a syringe to make gains then you're way off. To make progress in anything you need to work. Period.

I work hard in the gym, I am aware of how and what I eat. As a result, I make quality gains that exist post PCT.

If you can't keep gains that means that you either do not know how to train properly, or how to eat properly, or not conduct a proper PCT, or how to train and eat properly after PCT, or any combination of the above.

if you changed diets from when you were 240 to now, how are you going to tell me the gains you have made are from the hormones?
I think everyone may be confusing 5x10's post. I think he posted this with the idea that someone has already learned how to train, and eat properly. I wish I could add to the thread more but i lack experience in the "off" dept.

especially you greens, no one ever said anything about all it taking was a syringe to grow. he was actually worried about putting up this thread cause he was afraid he would piss everyone off. I told him do it, nothing wrong with a healthy debate. Honestly everyone is making good points and Im learning alot.

I have always believed diet will help maintain your gains, but i have also always been told that once you reach your genetic max, eventually you will go back to if you stay off long enough, that nature and genetics always win. like i said, my lacking experience in the "off" time forces me to the sidelines.
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fuck up your body, i mean shut down your hpta system.

im 25 man, as im sure there are a lot of other younger people on here also. i dont have the option of testosterone replacement therapy (TRT). so i would b f'd for idk how many years. have to be getting shit in the mail... my shit gets seized so i have no test for a month... yeah doesnt sound fun.

I currently am thinking of just going on testosterone replacement therapy (TRT) but doing it myself. i am pretty sure my levels were low before altho i have never had a blood test. I am sure i will down the line tho after my pct.

i have only recently become "enlightened"
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2 chicken breast is not enough protein. When is just as important as what. Whey within 15 minutes post work out because you body is still anabolic and you can replenish you glycogen stores up to 76 %. Whey Because it is absorbed threw the stomach lining like Breast milk and is rapidly converted to glycogen.

What I'm hearing is you've figured out that running Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) on cycle is a good start to keeping your testicles the proper size to start producing Testosterone when you apply the right compound to stimulate the rise in LH to stimulate the FSH. Even this is old science and outdated. We know taking IGF-1 while on cycle prevents the shut down of HTPA and testicle atrophy.

It was mentioned that if you use AAS to surpass your genetic limits eventually you would slowly loose the gains you made. That was wrong too. If you gain muscle and recover to normal Testosterone levels all you have to do to maintain the muscle it eat enough protein at the right time and train moderately. ( the training isn't really that important.)
Just to Clarify This isn't a personal attach. Your title was the real problem and the that you believed it.

HAve you learned anything I hope you not the only one. Spend 10 times the amount of time you work on your cycle working on your Diet. Besides Sleeping if your doing it right your only spending more time sleeping in your life.

So I also want to keep this civl. THis wasn't a personal attack although is sounded like it. There are only a few here who are aloud that privilege. I certainly didn't intend it that way.
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My experience is proof of this.

Last fall I took my first cycle, I went from 242lbs and 30+%bf to 220lbs and 15%bf in 4months. 6 months later I'm 218 and now 16%bf.

Of course my strength isn't what it was 10 weeks into my cycle, but I would never expect it to be. The reality is that I kept over 20lbs of muscle and my strength is twice what it was. Those are very real gains that I'm very happy about.
based on your #s
240 x .7 = 168 lbm pre cycle
220 x .85 = 187 lbm end of cycle
218 x .84 = 183.12 lbm 6 months after end of cycle

Tell me how I gained and kept over 20lbs of muscle in 4 months without hormones?

so far, you have kept 15.12 lbs, which is awesome, considering you have been off for longer than you were on(pct included and assuming you got back to baseline levels in 30 days)

the fact that you were 240 lbs @30% tells me you didnt know how to diet
and now you do because your maintaining well
so whos to say you couldnt have done this without hormones?
sure you couldnt have done it nearly as quickly
was there a dramatic change in your diet?
I didn't write that I was 240lbs @ 30%bf, I wrote that I was 242lbs@ 30+%bf, with the reason being that in June I was 29%bf but only 233lbs(or at least those are the records that my gym has).
At 242lbs and not doing any weight training I can only imagine that my bf% would have risen.
It could have been 32%, maybe more, but I thought that my guess should be modest.
My diet went from not enough food often enough combined with late night pizza and heavy beer/alcohol consumption to a well-balanced high-protein diet with little to no alcohol.
That doesn't explain the amount of lean muscle kept.
Maybe it's the N.O. Explode and Lean Body protein shakes.
Even though I personally disagree with 5x10, I can certainly understand his stand point to all of this and I'm always open to other opinions especially when there are some valid points.
I didn't write that I was 240lbs @ 30%bf, I wrote that I was 242lbs@ 30+%bf, with the reason being that in June I was 29%bf but only 233lbs(or at least those are the records that my gym has).
At 242lbs and not doing any weight training I can only imagine that my bf% would have risen.
It could have been 32%, maybe more, but I thought that my guess should be modest.
My diet went from not enough food often enough combined with late night pizza and heavy beer/alcohol consumption to a well-balanced high-protein diet with little to no alcohol.
That doesn't explain the amount of lean muscle kept.
Maybe it's the N.O. Explode and Lean Body protein shakes.

are you saying that you werent even lifting prior to starting your cycle?

if this is true, then you need to give yourself some more credit other than saying it was the hormones

you went from not eating right, and not working out to a muscle building diet and working out, regardless of hormones
I'm into cutting more, Bulking is what my body comes by naturally.... but if i was going to bulk i would walk down the street and buy 3 whole rotisserie chickens and eat that everyday.

Keeping size.... come on.... Heavier, Slower reps, mad food, this is common sense shit.... your not going to eat a nice tea crest sandwich after your 35 min stint on a stairmaster....

Are you ladies?