another first cycle post... opinions needed.


New member
What's up I'm new. Ill keep it simple...
Age 22
Height 5'9"
Weight 195lbs (very little body fat. % unknown)
Bench 350lbs
Squat 405lbs
Deadlift 450lbs

I have been lifting for 6-7 years. I have a clean diet eating 5-6 meals a day. I lift 6-7 days a week using a 3 day split. Cardio at least every other day in the AM. Consuming about 250g of protien and 400-500g of carbs a day. Take animal pak for the added vitamins and minerals.

This is my first cycle. I don't have anything on hand yet but its all easily accessible to me. I will be using testosterone enanthate 400mg/1ml suppported by exemestane and HCG. I'm planning on front loading the first 3 weeks to accelerate the effectiveness. My PCT will include clomafene citrate and tamoxifen citrate. Here is my plan of action as of right now...

Week 1: 375mg test e 2x a week. Exemestane 13mg ED
Week 2: 375mg test e 2x a week. Exemestane 13mg ED
Week 3: 375mg test e 2x a week. Exemestane 13mg ED
Week 4: 250mg test e 2x a week. Exemestane 13mg ED
Week 5: 250mg test e 2x a week. Exemestane 13mg ED. HCG 250iu 2x a week
Week 6: 250mg test e 2x a week. Exemestane 13mg ED. HCG 250iu 2x a week
Week 7: 250mg test e 2x a week. Exemestane 13mg ED. HCG 250iu 2x a week
Week 8: 250mg test e 2x a week. Exemestane 13mg ED. HCG 250iu 2x a week
Week 9: 250mg test e 2x a week. Exemestane 13mg ED. HCG 250iu 2x a week
Week 10: 250mg test e 2x a week. Exemestane 13mg ED. HCG 250iu 2x a week
Week 11: 250mg test e 2x a week. Exemestane 13mg ED. HCG 250iu 2x a week
Week 12: 250mg test e 2x a week. Exemestane 13mg ED. HCG 250iu 2x a week
Week 13: Exemestane 13mg ED. HCG 1000iu ED for 10 days
Week 14: Exemestane 13mg ED
Week 15: Exemestane 13mg ED
Week 16: Clomafene c 50mg ED. Tamoxifen c 40mg ED
Week 17: Clomafene c 50mg ED. Tamoxifen c 40mg ED
Week 18: Clomafene c 50mg ED. Tamoxifen c 20mg ED
Week 19: Clomafene c 50mg ED. Tamoxifen c 20mg ED

Suggestions? Anything else I should keep on hand or take with it? From what I have heard and read I am expecting to gain 15-20lbs of muscle. Any opinions on that?

Any suggestions and/or opinions are greatly appreciated.

P.S. I am planning on starting this cycle in exactly 2 months and will continue to research and possibly tweak.
Run your test at 500mg/wk
Run Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) from week five leading to you post cycle therapy (pct) (Stop it when you begin post cycle therapy (pct))
For the 1st week, don't use 13mg of aromasin, start with 5 or 6.5mg, then on the 2nd week increase to 13mg.

You sure 400mg/ml of test is Test-e? and not a blend of several esters??

everything else seems good.
So don't front load the test. Start with a lower does of exemestane for the first week. And ur saying run the Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) from week 5 at the same dose (not increasing it to 1000iu on week 13) up till the very day before I start my PCT? I just abbreviated it as test e. I hit him up to confirm it again just now. Ill keep u posted
from a very popular sticky:

Hcg 500iu per week(250 iu on the dad you pin test,starting on week 5)
Hcg 1000iu everyday for 10days leading up to your PCT

Since this is your 1st cycle I wouldn't do 750mg of test. 500-625mg is a good enough dose.

Many people shut down their estrogen production taking that amount of aromasin on the 1st week. It's not fun to have low estrogen trust me. It takes time for test to Aromatize to estrogen, so I would keep it at 5-6.5mg the 1st or even the 2nd week.

Most likely Test 400/ml is a mix of 4 esters. Test enanthate usually comes at 250mg/ml
I'm almost positive I can get either one. Should I go with the 250mg/ml to play it alittle safer? If I did run the 400 and it did have 4 diffrent esters, what would be the most probable outcome? And so I WOULD take 1000iu of Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) for 10 days before my post cycle therapy (pct) correct?
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All esters lead to the same outcome, increase of testosterone. Some are long lasting some are short. You want to keep it simple for your 1st cycle, see how your body reacts to it. I recommend Test-e or Test-c only cycle.

There are many different ways to use Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG), this method is from this thread, a lot of people seem to like it. I decided not to use it for my cycle. It increases chances of getting gyno, so for that reason I haven't really researched it. I'd rather have small balls for few weeks, than pinn myself everyday.
I'm deathly afraid of gyno. If this was ur first cycle how would u set up the Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) usage?

I talked to my buddy and he said he can get both 400 and 250. He said they both only consist of testosterone enanthate.

Also iv been looking all over for the connection between iu's and the needle. Still lookin but maybe u could help me out with that as well... a 250iu injection would be about how many ml's?
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