Another First Time Cycle


New member
Simple Test Cycle

Well, I figured I would do a basic log. Nothing crazy.

Not gonna track every single meal and all that.

Gyno prone.

First pin 3/24/11

Test E 600mg/week 1-12
Aromasin 12.5/ed 1-19
HCG 500iu/week 2-12
Nolvadex 40mg/ed 14-17
Nolvadex 20mg/ed 17-19

Hopes for the cycle.

-Pectoral thickness
-Front lat improvement
-Side/front delt improvement
-Quad improvement (sorry no pics)
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looks just like the cycle ive planned for myself, good luck
is that pubertal gyno btw?
and good base to start with ill be following
I think the Nolva at the end is a little weak but it is ok for some. You have a decent frame to pack on some mass there. Your back is really going to look sick by the end of it. You already have a good start to it now.

Also I don't know if that is enough calories or enough food over all. If you broke that all down into how many cals/carbs/protein/fats each day I think you would be surprised that it is lower than you thought.
Day 7 / 3rd pin.

Nothing yet. Going to hit arms today.

I had a little tenderness during puberty so i think i am prone to gyno. What you see there is psudogyno, (spell check) its loose fat that can be burned, i was a bit thick as a kid. Plus my pecs are so small.

Your right about cals, i think i need to consume more. It sucks how much food costs for a broke fool like me! Lol...thankfully i got a ghetto gym that only charges $15/month.

It sucks because when ever i add more carbs and cals, i end up adding more fat too!

As far as nolva at the end, i figured that along w the Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) throughout, that nolva would be enough for a basic test cycle.

What do you suggest?
Acutally....did you change your layout? Now that I look at it again, it looks pretty good.
I must of missed somthing the first time I looked at it.
Some prefer Clomid or Torem over Nolva but you should be good either way. Keep up the log. Good work.
Update: 50 days in pictures!

Gaining some fat due to diet changes, increase total cals/carbs.

Noticable improvements are back size, and chest pump. Really hoping to increase chest size/thickness.

Dropped dbol at 2.5 weeks.

Everything is going well, and going to enjoy the next 5 weeks.

Also looking forward to cutting back down a bit to compare.
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dont take this wrong way but i dont notice much of a difference... how much weight have you gained in those 50 days... any strength gains?
dont take this wrong way but i dont notice much of a difference... how much weight have you gained in those 50 days... any strength gains?

50 days bro, what do you expect, im very satisfied.

Regardless of what your "on" you cant gain huge amounts of muscle in 50 days.

Lats are bigger for sure, front and rear. Just not as cut because holding some water.

Been on letro since day 1, not trying to be bloated, and def not trying to add "water muscle".
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yeah man i see a differance, I love the dbol though? Why u drop it? Nips start to itch? I dont kno if its just me, 15 mg of dbol are godly for me, i dont know maybe good receptors. Anyway were there any good strengh gains there?